

Dear Mr Jackson,You may remember that we have discussed the noise that your children make while they are practicing their musical instruments You agreed to make sure that they would stop practicing in the e英语抱怨信;for only two hoursTherefore, I wish to declare a refund I will appreciate it if my problem receives due attentionYours,Li Ming 希望对你有帮助 其实此类型信注意开头的句子和结尾句的语气中肯 最为关键英语抱怨信;Dear Sir,I am writing to complain about the book I bought in your store yesterday When I read it last night, I found quality problems with it Firstly, there are 3 pages missing, Pages 4, 53 and。

I would like to appreciate it if your staff could be more friendly to me As I offered my cellphone to the staff and asked him whether my cellphone could be repaired However, the staff said rudely to;雅思考试的难度还是很高的,但雅思成绩是世界认可的,在国内如果你想从事和英语有关的职业,有一个优秀的雅思成绩就会有一个很好的条件支撑虽然考雅思的人很多,但考雅思的人数远不及四六级的人数,如果你不想出国也可以;Mr Black lives next door to me, and he disturbs my life He has a party almost every day During these parties, people are making a lot of noise They are dancing, laughing and shouting They often;Dear Manager,I venture to write to complain about the quality of the digital camera I bought last Friday at your storeDuring the five days the camera has been in my possession,problems have emerged one aft。


To dear neighbors whom it may concern,Some of your lovely pets are always peeing and pooping around my property house home lately I am so annoyed Would you please control your precious puppies or;雅思“第一点相信大家很容易明白,这里举例说明一下第二点比如斯坦福大学MBA要求托福100分,雅思7分,由官方发布的换算方法可以得出下文附有换算方式托福94分即可达到雅思7分的能力,由此可以看出,只看分数的话;Dear Mr Smith,I am writing to complain about the food and service offered by the canteenFirst of all, The quality and variety of our dish are need to be improved, We do not like to eat the same;Dear NeighborThese days, I have been disturbed in my sleep by the noise made by your dog I#39d appreciate it if you can make sure to keep your dog quiet during people#39s sleep time between 9pm and;To our repected customer Carley We are very sorry and would like to apoligize for the incovenience that our water system has cause you At that point, it was a cold winter and so the demand for hot。

Dear Sir,I am writing to you for the mobile phone of DephoneS250 I bought on 20th Apr 2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P R China But when I wanted to use it, I found that there was something;f you have a good neighbor, you are a lucky person You have someone who cares about your needs and your property, who is helpful in the little daytoday situations that e up, and who is supportive;This trip was horrible One of my top ten nightmares! The days I stayed there was all rainy The car was broken too My room was too close to the kitchen the air was unclear The music at the。

标签: 英语抱怨信



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