

不要以貌取人英语是 quotDo not judge a person by their appearancequot不要以貌取人以貌取人英语,这是以貌取人英语我们生活中非常重要的一个道理虽然这是一个简单明了的道理以貌取人英语,但在我们的日常生活中仍然经常因为外貌而做出不恰当的评价和决定人以貌取人英语;我们不能以貌取人以貌取人英语, 词海拾贝 ,at heart本质上,非表面的,在内心里,Eg His manners are rough, but he is a kind man at heart,他虽然举止粗鲁, 但心地善良,Eg He#39 s dishonest at heart,他。

以貌取人”这个观点,正确,但不全对“以貌取人”,不仅是一个人的穿着打扮,外表形象,更融合了一个人的谈吐气场以及生活中的诸多小细节心灵美固然重要,但是这个世界上并没有哪一个人有义务,必须透过连你自己;翻译如下不要以貌取人 judge people by outward appearance Many people tend to decide whether a person is good or not good just by his external appearances From my point of view, it#39s not rightFirst。



1、Don#39t judge by appearances不能以貌取人 These days there is a general discussion about the issue of judging a person by their appearance People’s opinions differ greatly concerning this phenomenon Is it。

2、以貌取人翻译为英语通常说作 judge a book by its cover,还可以翻译为 judge of a man by his looks类似以貌取人的英语翻译1up in the air悬而未决2out of the woods摆脱困境走出阴霾3not。

3、judge people with their appearanceappearance读法英 #601#712p#618#601r#601ns 美 #601#712p#618r#601nsn 露面,演出出庭,到场外表,外观表面现象,假象出现起源。

4、Judge a book by its cover, and lost son feather以貌取人,失之子羽故事内容翻译During the spring and autumn, the great educationalist Confucius has many students, and there is a JiaoZi feather, a call。

5、“以貌取人”,汉语成语,根据一个人的外貌衣着来衡量判断他的品质才能或决定对待的态度可以翻译为“judge people by their appearance,judge a book by its cover”翻译例句 1在此他又犯了一般以貌取人的通病He。

6、不要以貌取人的英语Don#39t judge a book by its cover以貌取人指根据外貌来衡量判断人的品质或才能也指根据人的外貌衣着来决定应对态度例句“用人要以人品能力为取舍依据,不应以貌取人”以貌取人是人的。

7、复数looks 不可数名词aspect外貌,容貌 She used to be so fussy about her appearance 她过去非常在意自己的容外貌I never chose people just because of their looks aspect我从不以貌取人。

8、字如其义,这句话用来告诫人们“内在what#39s inside”才是重要的,也就是说要重视内在美,不能以貌取人例句It#39s what#39s inside that matters真正重要的是内在5Beauty is only skin deep这句谚语的字面意思。

9、Don#39t judge a person by looksjudge 英 d#658#652d#658 美 d#658#652d#658n法官审判员裁判员评判员鉴定人鉴赏家v判断断定认为估计,猜测大小数量等裁判评判。


Youth is not just a stage of life, but it is also a state of mind Being young is so great and also the most cherrish moment in a life, as young men have more energy and power to move forwards。

切莫以貌取人 29No fire without smoke 无风不起浪 30Nurture passes nature 教养胜过天性 31One is never too old to learn 活到老,学到老 32One swallow does not make a summer 独木不成春 33On。



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