

The temperature will be 15 to 8 centigrade We hope people can take umbrella with when you go outIn northern part the temperature will get down英语天气预报范文,so pay attention to your cloth 天气预报显示在未来五天内。

大家早上好今天湖南的的天气多雨长沙中雨,湘潭小雨,株洲雷阵雨,衡阳多云,郴州阵雨,常德阵雨,益阳雷阵雨,娄底雷阵雨,邵阳多云,岳阳多云,张家界雷阵雨,怀化多云,黔阳多云,永州阵雨,湘西中雨Good morning。

大学英语作文 WeatherForecast天气预报 WeatherforecastsareofgreathelptousInruralareas,farmersWshowmuchconcernabouttheweatherTheywanttoknowwhenitwillrain。

Welcome to listen today#39s Weather ForecastI am a weather reporter from CCTVIt will be fine tomorrow,there will be wind in the afternoon,the temperature is 10 degree below the zeroHope you will have a。

恩,格式英语天气预报范文我也不知道,没有格式吧给个例子给好了英语天气预报范文你自己看着办It#39s a pleasant 73 degree hereFor those of you travelling tomorrow,here is a quick look at the weather for cities around the worldIn。




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