

双语例句 汉英大词典 中中释义 问题二“家用吸水拖把”用英语怎么翻译在线等有急用谢谢啦 the production and sale of household absorbent mop问题三用拖把拖地英语怎么说 扫地sweep the floor or ground;比如,我们可以用用过得水来浇花草和拖地其次,我们应该节约能源,诸如少在离开时关灯和开灯多走路,多骑车和少开车再次,我们应该要求我们的政府来控制来自工厂的污染Let#39s act now from everying to improve our。

scrub the floor 擦洗地板 mop the floor 用拖把,拖地板 clean the floor 清洁地板 望采纳;拖地用英语怎么说1 “拖地”英语mop the floor 例句I was asked to mop the floor我被分配去拖地板词汇解析1mop 英 mp 美 mɑpvt用拖把拖擦拭 vi用拖把拖擦拭搭拉着脸 n拖把。



1、洗碗的英文是wash the dishes例句I must sweep the floor and wash the dishes翻译我必须拖地和洗碗重点词汇 wash 英 w#594#643,美 wɑ#720#643n 洗洗涤 v 洗洗涤洗清 过去。

2、我原以为做家务很简单,现在我知道了做家务活并不容易,就是最简单的扫地,也要弯腰,下蹲,很累的 我以后要多帮妈妈做一些自己力所能及的事,减轻她的负担做家务真累二 寒假做家务的英语作文带翻译 恩什。

3、问题三拖地的英文单词是什么拖地就是擦地的英 mop名词指那个地拖, mop也可以做动词指拖地的动作 Can you mop the floor? 你可以拖一下地吗问题四洗碗用英文怎么写,看报用英文怎么写,拖地用英文怎么。

4、您好,如果是像图上这样的一般就是叫Cleaning cart 或 Mopping cart Mop trolley Mop bucket cart 如果是电动式的Driving mop cart 或 Electric Driving Mop Dust Cart 还有楼下那位亲讲的也没错,Station Sweeper有分大。

5、1We should use less water to wash should not use water to play should not use too much water to wash face 4We should use waste water to clean the floor希望帮到你,祝学习。


7、The housework what I did in the winter vacation is sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, cleaning the table, cooking, washing dishes and so on。


9、英语原文如下Mrs Smith has two daughters Let#39s have a look at what chores they do at homequotAlice started doing chores when she was about eight years old At that time, she did the dishes with me。


被动We are made to do lots of homework by Mr Li every day2妈妈让我每天洗碗改被动Mum makes me wash dishes every day,被动I am made to wash dishes by mum every day3昨天妈妈让我拖地。

Last Sunday I helped my mother do the dishes and mop the floor Doing dishes is my favourite housework, but I hate mopping most。

My father is cleaning up the kitchenI am mopping the FloorIn the evening, my parents and I are relaxed We are watching TV together。

SweepBrush 比较直而短的,刚刚拖地 Court 从腰部长3英尺 Chaple小拖尾 从腰部长4英尺 SemiCathedral半大拖尾 Cathedral大拖尾从腰部长6到9英尺 Royal 从腰部长超过3码 Kneelength长到膝盖的 参考资料。



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