

1、给出肯定的回答 的英语是give a positive answer 例句问我是否准备好肯定的用英语怎么说了,我给出肯定的回答He asked me if I was ready I give a positive answer 问题二否定回答用英语怎么说 简单地说就是在动词后面加not肯定的用英语怎么说;你肯定翻译Are you sure 肯定的用英语怎么说? 意思就是你确定你肯定sure 形容词 a1确信的,有把握的ZF+that+wh+aboutofI#39m not sure whether our team will win我不能肯定我队是否能赢We are;寻求正义的人历尽艰辛,也决不能肯定肯定的用英语怎么说他们就能找到正义4 How could one be sure that it was simple trickery肯定的用英语怎么说?你怎么能确定这只不过是个小手法呢5 But how could he be sure that others wouldn#39t rob the;肯定kěn dìngsure certain affirm definite 她的回答是肯定的Her answer is in the affirmative去不去,我们还不能肯定We are not sure yet whether we#39ll go or not;如果我们现在不解决问题,事情只会越来越糟,肯定就是这样4 Putset the seal on sth 英文中seal有ldquo盖章rdquo的意思西方签署正式文件的时候,都会用蜡油盖章封印通常事情进行到这一步,就板上钉钉了!英文;肯定 adj affirmative, certain, definite, suren affirmation, certainty, affirmativev confirm, affirm, be certain, be sure。


2、affirmative words expressions affirmative #601#39f#601m#601tivadj肯定的,正面的 n肯定语,赞成方面 例句与用法词形变化英英解释查看全部 例句与用法1One who supports a proposal or takes the;as in This is no small problem间接肯定法用有节制的陈述所构成一种修辞手法,即通过否定其反面来表达肯定的意思,例如在这并不是一个小问题中 4 An affirmative statement or vote肯定的陈述肯定的陈述或表示赞成;问题一quot给予肯定quot 英文怎么说 give recognition 给与肯定 gain recognition 得到肯定 问题二肯定英语怎么说 sure certainly of course 问题三那是肯定的用英语怎么说 absolutely一般口语用的比较多,肯定语气较强i;She must get lost!She must have missed her way!There is no doubt that she is lost!You must be a naughty kid!You are definitely a naughty kid!Surely you are a naughty kid!There is no doubt that you。

3、是的,我非常肯定,Yeah, I#39m pretty sure,英 #712priti 美 #712pr#618tiadj 漂亮的 机灵的,聪明的adv 相当,颇n 漂亮的人或东西;肯定语气Affirmative tone是指在表达观点意见或答案时,表示同意认可或确认的语气和态度在英文中,肯定语气通常使用肯定句Affirmative sentence来表达,即陈述句中的肯定形式肯定语气在交流沟通和表达中都具有;“肯定”在英语里有很多种表达方法,举例如下sure certainly surely definitelyaffirmative definite positive,等等;affirm通行心绪学常谈及肯定Affirmine自语Selftingk,其基础观念是“自尊自信”短语肯定命题 数 affirmative proposition 数 assertoric propositions 数 affirmative propsitoin 我肯定I bet;that it#39s pounding a felony问题九“那必须的”用英语怎么说 一个单词就可以,Absolutely 问题十那是肯定的用英语怎么说 absolutely一般口语用的比较多,肯定语气较强i#39m sure Of course。

4、那是肯定的英语翻译为That#39s for sure详细解释1that#39s 英 #240#230ts 美 #240#230tsn说得更精确些,简而言之例句That#39s my wife you were talking to刚才和你说话的人是我;如果是对话的话,口语可以用You bet来表示肯定的意思,这是非常地道的美式口语表达当然,你也可以用sure,of course,no problem,It is doable 等等来表达肯定的意思。


