

you me you me 彼此彼此 watch sister表妹 American Chinese not enough 美中不足 heart flower angry open 心花怒放 go past no mistake past 走过路过人山人海用英语怎么说,不要错过 People mountain and people sea 人山人海 seven up。

也有人说 a the sea of faces 例如 Standing at his podium人山人海用英语怎么说, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him柯林顿总统站在讲台上看到人山人海的人群挥手向人山人海用英语怎么说他致意但是这是从高处往下看才会用的说法。


人群如山似海 形容 人 聚集 得 非常 多 成语出处 明·施耐庵水浒全传第五十一回“每日有那一般打散,或是戏舞,或是吹弹,或是歌唱,赚得那 人山人海 价看” 成语例句 节日的公园 人山人海 。

人山人海英文people mountain people sea people mountain people sea造句 1On national day, there are people mountain people sea in Zhongshan park 国庆节那天,中山公园里人山人海2When hearing People mountain。

Packed to the Rafters 指人挤人,人山人海。

人山人海中式英语为People mountain, people sea但“人山人海”在英语中可不这么说“人山人海”地道英语为A sea of people,其他译法还有a huge crowd of people,be all packed,be flooded with people,There is。

人山人海 1a sea of people faces2huge crowds of people 3the sea of humanity in a crowd4crowded conditions 例句1早早的,街上已是人山人海人山人海用英语怎么说了Early, the street is a sea of people2广州。



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