

1、这名男子又高又瘦2tall and slim 读音 英 t#596l #230nd sl#618m 美 t#596l #601nd sl#618m释义又高又瘦高而苗条 例句She#39s tall and slim, with long curly。

2、她又高又瘦英语是she is tall and thin一tall1读音英 t#596#720l,美 t#596#720l2意思adj 高的 3例句The boy is 150 centimetres tall这个男孩身高150厘米二thin1。


3、You can say quotIn the future, I#39ll be tall and thinquot 或者使用更加口语化的表达 quotI#39m gonna be tall and skinny in the futurequot。

4、又高又瘦的英语他又高又瘦翻译成英文是He is tall and thintall的英式读法是t#596#720l美式读法是t#596#720ltall用作形容词的基本意思是“高”,多指由顶到底的长度,尤其指比较细长的东西,如人树建筑。

5、2thin 瘦的 瘦的英文叫做thin例 She’s tall and thin with light brown hair 她又高又瘦,还有浅棕色的头发3fat 胖的 胖的英文叫做fat例 I think he’s too fat 我觉得他太胖了。

6、slight指身材又瘦又小thin普通用词,指腰细骨架窄,常因疾病或疲劳而消瘦thin指“肉不多的”, 有时指“因病过劳缺乏养分等而缺少正常的肌肉”, 如Her illness left her very thin她的病使她消瘦多了l。

7、翻译My math teacher is tall and thin,He is very kind语法结构介绍“我的数学老师又高又瘦”这是一句陈述句,直接使用主+谓+宾的结构翻译即可,数学老师翻译为math teache,又高又瘦是个形容词,翻译为tall。

8、分别是爸爸妈妈我,又高又瘦短发大眼睛是我英语There are three members in my family They are my father, my mother and me respectivelyThe one in tall and thin with short hair and big eyes is me。

9、We have four persons in our family,my father,mom,brother and IMy father is tall and thin and has black short hairHe吧又高又瘦的英语!likes eating fish rather than eating vegetables。

10、她是谁又高又瘦,戴着帽子用英语书写Who is she? she is tall and thin, wearing a hat注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳。

11、现在我又高又瘦,会骑自行车会读书翻译为英语1 Now I#39m tall and thin, I can ride a bike and read2 Now I am tall and thin, I can ride a bicycle and read books as well注完全没有问题。

12、我的朋友叫刘一凡, 他又高又瘦, 他有一头短头发, 他有一双大眼睛,他很友好,他喜欢吃苹果英语My friend’s name is xxx He is tall and slim with short hairs He has a pair of big eyes He is。

13、额,你发了错别字,“他是一个女孩”“她又高又瘦,他可爱”干啥一会男的他,一会女的她 细节my friend called zhang yang,she is a girl,she is tall and thin,she is lovely and beautiful it with big eyes。

14、My English teacher, he is tall and thin, wearing a pair of sunglasses, wearing a Tshirt and jeans, very handsome我的英语老师,他又高又瘦,戴着一副墨镜,穿着t恤和牛仔裤,帅极了英语翻译技巧有增译主语。

15、我的数学老师是陈老师,又高又瘦,他的课很有趣,大家都喜欢他 My math teacher is Mr Chen He is tall and thin His class is very interesting and everyone likes him。

16、I have a good friend,he name is Zhangzhihao who is twelveHe has small eyes and big nose He is tall and thin。

17、你好,百度科教团队为您解答The girl was tall and thin before 百度知道芝麻团为你解答,如果对你有所帮助,记得采纳哦。

18、l have a good dad, he has short hat and two big ear has tall and。



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