

1、the topographic uplift 4 meters Inside the ancillary facilities鸟巢英语, to avoid excavation the consumption of huge investment“鸟巢”以巨大鸟巢英语的钢网围合覆盖着91万人的体育场观光楼梯自然地成为结构的延伸立柱消失了;英语6级鸟巢英语,仅供参考,点个采纳啊,嘻嘻中文我先来讲“鸟巢”的基本情况吧!quot鸟巢quot体育场外壳采用可作为填充物的气垫膜,使屋顶达到完全防水的要求,阳光可以穿过透明的屋顶满足室内草坪的生长需要比赛时,看台是可以通过;bird#39s nest nbird 英 b#604#720d 美 b#604#720rd名词 n 鸟年轻女子,姑娘人,家伙飞机,飞船,卫星供捕猎或食用的鸟羽毛球lt英,非正式监狱,服刑期doing bird喝;and beautiful it isTo our excitement,there#39re many wellknown buildings in Beijing,right?For example,Bird#39s Nest鸟巢,Water Cube,Tian#39namen Square and the Great WallAbove all,I am proud of Beijing;国家体育场鸟巢 “鸟巢”位于北京奥林匹克公园内北京城市中轴线北端的东侧,建筑面积25·8万平方米除了承担奥运会开闭幕式任务外,还将在这里进行田径男子足球决赛等奥运会的重要比赛这个体育场能容纳观众10万人;quot鸟巢quot的英语翻译是quotBird#39s Nestquot,这是因为其建筑设计灵感来源于鸟类筑巢的形态quot水立方quot的英语翻译是quotWater Cubequot,这是因为其外观形似一个透明的立方体,并且是一个水上运动中心;鸟巢水立方的英文Bird#39s Nest Water Cube Water 读法 英 #39w#596#720t#601 美 #712w#596t#6021n 水海水雨水海域,大片的水 2vt 使湿供以水给浇水 3vi 加水。

2、鸟巢 National Statium,奥运会注册身份卡OIAC上简称为NST,俗名Bird#39s Nest 水立方 National Aquatics Center,奥运会注册身份卡OIAC上简称为NAC,俗名Water Cube 注意细节之处,aquatic 多为形容词,aquatics复数形式是;One possible version Dear Tom,In your last email, you showed a great interest in our National Stadiumthe Bird`s NestNow i`d like to introduce it to youLocated on North Fourth Ring Road in Beijing;A bird#39s nestA bird#39s nest is often characteristic of the species of bird that constructs itFor example,some birds prefer to build nests on tree branches,while others build nests in small,contained。


3、2五年级英语介绍故宫五句话 具体如下The Palace Museum is located on city center in PekingChina is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building clusterIt is been one of five greatest temples in the;Welcome to Beijing! I’d like to introduce you to the Beijing National Stadium, also known as Bird’s Nest The stadium is located in Beijing Olympic Park , covering 258,000 square metres It is 330;鸟窝英语bird#39s nest 例句When a bird’s nest is overturned, no egg can remain intact覆巢之下无完卵After a false start, he stumbled forward for a few paces obviously hindered by the injury to his;nest的发音美 nest 英 nestnest的意思n窝鸟巢巢穴鸟窝 例句1Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird#39s nes。

4、National Stadium 国家体育场,俗称鸟巢,是北京2008年奥林匹克运动会的主体育场;quot鸟巢quot的英文名称是Nesttype Beijing Olympic Stadium或者Beijing National Stadium Bird#39s NestOlympic Stadium鸟巢英文单词是bird nest 2quot水立方quot的英文是water cube Beijing National Aquatics Cente或water cube “鸟巢;one masculine, one feminine, in sharp contrast to the highly visual impact“水立方”位于北京奥林匹克公园内,它与一墙之隔的“鸟巢”一起被并称为北京奥运会两大标志性建筑物2003年12月24日,国家游泳中心水立方;北京市政府和北京奥运会组织委员会的代表组成的评审委员会的分级三个突出的设计方案, “鸟巢”方案唯一的例外风格居留权在顶端的三个第一 2003年4月,要经历一个严格的评估过程和群众投票,由瑞士公司赫尔佐克德穆龙设计。



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