

保护鲸鱼英语作文篇1 The main objective of the current marine conservation is to protect the living marine resources保护鲸鱼的英语作文, so as not to failure, in order for human sustainable use In particular, give priority t。


保护鲸鱼初二英语作文篇一 A whale is a huge animal, it is full of treasureThe Japanese whaling, often take a whale as one of the world#39s delicious The Japanese whales catch, is not to eat is to。

Whales 鲸鱼 1Everyone has heard about whalesWhat a beautiful sight it must be to sea a whaleIt is no wonder so many stories have been written about themIn years gone by,men sailed in ships that did not take。

正文Today, whales are dangerous Because many countries killed them for different uses, they died如今,鲸鱼是危险保护鲸鱼的英语作文的由于许多国家杀了他们不同的使用,他们死了Protect our earth and oceans, especially。

Nowadays, the whales is in danger Bec ause many countries kill them for differe nt use, they are dying out To protect ou r earth and ocean, especially the diversit y of creatures we must realize。

我们应该保护鲸鱼,鲸鱼保护规则,不把垃圾放入大海我认为人们应该更多的了解鲸鱼写鲸的初二英语作文篇2 Whale are huge animalsThey live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea lifeOne intere sting fact。

Nowadays,the whales is in dangerBecause many countries kill them for different use,they are dying outTo protect our earth and ocean,especially the diversity of creatureswe must realize that we should take。

Nowadays,the whales is in dangerBecause many countries kill them for different use,they are dying outTo protect our earth and ocean,especially the diversity of creatureswe must realize that we shou。

Nowadays, the whales is in danger Because many countries kill them for different use, they are dying out To protect our earth and ocean, especially the diversity of creatures we must realize that we。

蓝鲸英语作文The blue whale is the largestanimal that ever lived on Earth Itis also the loudest animal on Earth These enormous mammals eattiny organisms, like plankton andkrill, which they sieve throughbaleen。


鲸的种种用处对人是很有好处的,现在鲸大量的死亡,使人类也走向灭亡,我们要保护鲸类,让它们继续生栖繁衍让人们根据它们的好处,制造出更先进的仪器,鲸是人类的朋友 为什摸不错,我这里还有一点资料 鲸遨游大海。


思路简单介绍蓝鲸的情况,然后谈当前蓝鲸濒临灭绝的现状正文The blue whale is by far the largest of all animals known since ancient times蓝鲸是目前为止人们所知道的自古至今所有动物中体型最大的Blue whales。

We Need Protecting!We are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history We have been killed for our fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because we were in the way。

帮忙两篇英语作文,初三水平的 50 第一篇如果你有很多钱,你会用来做什么呢保护鲸鱼的英语作文?第二篇写一篇英语作文,谈谈看电视对中学生的利与弊谢谢各位啊!在线等! 第一篇如果你有很多钱,你会用来做什么呢?第二篇写一篇英语作文。

英语作文动物是人类的朋友,150字 1如果看到有人捕捉,要劝住不要捕捉 2让你的亲戚不要吃动物比如青蛙也让你的亲戚宣传 动物,是人类的朋友围绕你喜欢或了解的某一动物写一篇作文 1___从前,动物是人类的祖先现。



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