

离世去世的英语的英语是DeathDeath 是我的英文名不许盗用,但是公用还是可以的 Die v死 Death n死亡 Dead adj死去的 Deaddream 死亡的梦可以译为逝去的幻想 Deathland 死亡之地可以译为地狱或者你直接用Hell,赫尔,Devil。


Passing逝世 “Passing” 是一个较为委婉的说法,用来描述死亡,尤其是在需要更加敏感和文雅的场合例如“I heard about her passing last night”我昨晚听说了她的去世Decease死亡 “Decease” 是一。

1I#39m sorry The people who leave don#39t want you to be unhappy节哀吧,走的人不希望你不开心2I hope they live well in another heaven希望去世的英语他们在另一个天堂也活过的很好3I hope they live well。

dieto stop being alive pass awayto dieThis word is used to avoid saying “die” when you think this might upset someone suffocateto die because you cannot breathe, or to kill someone in this way。

pass away 去世,过去了The man passed away yesterdaygo west 去西天The bastard has gone westgo to heaven 上天堂The man has gone to heavengo to hell 下地狱The bad egg has gone to。



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