

Human and Nature Nature人与自然和谐相处英语,the environment which human beings live by,is magnificent and uniqueThere si only one earth with super living conditions in the universeWe should have cherished nature and preserved it。


drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human beings We have taken too much from nature, and given back too littleLooking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when。

人与自然如何共存这是罗马这座永恒之城所面临人与自然和谐相处英语的长期问题How man and nature can coexist is the eternal problem of the Eternal City送王船传递着人们对先辈走向海洋人与自然和谐相处英语的历史记忆,体现人与自然和谐相处英语了人与自然和谐相处的理念,见证人与自然和谐相处英语了。

人与自然英语是Man and Nature The intimacy between man and Nature began with the birth of man on the earth, and becomes each century more intelligent and far reaching从地球上人类出现开始,人与自然之间的密切。



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