

1、一中译英With the development of society, environmental problems are getting more and more attention二释义1development n 发展开发发育住宅小区专指由同一开发商开发的摄 显影 例句Not;关注 nattention v pay close attention, follow with interest, show solicitude for, follow closely 我们在关注着事态的发展We are monitoring the development of the situation双方密切关注着事态的发展Both sides;粉丝followers 转发reshare或者retweet 评论comment 关注follow几个单词的详细释义如下1follower #712f#594l#601#650#601 NCOUNT A follower of a particular person, group, or。


2、In every country, the birthday of the elderly are all widely concerned and blessed by people希望能帮到你参考资料来自英语牛人团;用在“我们要关注天气”中,关注的英语是 focus 句型focus on sth专注于天表示“集中于某事”例句1We need to focus on the weather我们要关注天气2Their talks are expected to focus on arms;关注用英语怎么说如下 follow with interest英#x02C8f#x0252l#x0259#x028A w#x026A#x00F0 #x02C8#x026Antr#x0259st美#x02C8fɑ#x02D0lo#x028A w#x026A#x00F0 #x02C8#x026Antr#x0259st 词语解释 关注 双语例句 1However, imagination that aesthetics and philos。

3、收到重视英文怎么说呢答案如下receive get achieve obtain have collect in 双语例句太阳能作为理想的新能源,格外收到重视和关注Solar energy is as the ideal of the new energy, particularly;Thank you for your attention是一种常用的英语表达,用于在报告演讲或邮件等场合结束时向听众或读者表示感谢Thank you for your attention的中文翻译有很多,常见的有谢谢您的注意,感谢您的聆听,感谢您的关注,感谢您的;随着社会的发展环境问题越来越受人们的关注With the development of society, environmental issues are getting more and more attention重点词汇随着的发展With the development of越来越more and more 环境。

4、1focus on 关注,聚焦于 2pay attention to 注意 扩展资料 例句Don#39t always focus on the dark side of things不要总是关注事物的阴暗面To answer the two questions, let#39 s focus on the follow;中文“密切关注”英语quotPay close attention toquot;翻译后的句子After the girl became famous, she received a lot of attention 这个女孩成名之后她获得了大量的关注。

5、接见的英文receive 相似短语 to receive接见 receive into接受,接纳,接收receive publicity受到关注,引起注目 receive in instruction接受教导 receive the seals接印, 接任指大臣或大法官而言receive mode接收;pay attention to 问题十关注我,用英文怎么说 Follow me。

6、With the rapid development of the economy, more and more problems have been brought to our attention。



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