

1、9这真是快乐新婚快乐英语的一刻恭喜新婚快乐英语新婚快乐英语,祝你好运This is truly a joyous time Congratulations to you, good luck to you10献给一对与众不同的新人祝新婚快乐For a special couple I wish a happy newlywed11;“订婚快乐”的英文Happy engagement engagement 读法 英 #618n#39ge#618d#658m#601nt en 美 #618n#39ɡed#658m#601ntn 婚约约会交战诺言进场游戏术语参与度指用户;回答哭着说,各国语言翻译过来都是眼泪;最诚挚地祝愿你新婚快乐,并向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福 The best of all good wishes to you both 祝愿你俩幸福无量 We wish you both many more anniversaries, each happier than the last 我们祝你俩今后的;1May love, harmony and understanding be aims of your marriage union!Congratulations!愿爱和谐与理解成为你们婚姻结合的目标恭喜你2You two are a perfect match Here#39s wishing you both a lifetime of。

2、20好日子,好福气,好缘分,好好关心爱护你的伴侣,好心情,好运气,好机遇,好好珍惜尊重你的,真得好好羡慕你,祝新婚快乐,如意吉祥,爱情甜蜜! good, good blessing, good luck and have a good care for your partner, good mood;接下来是我整理的新婚英语祝福语大全文章仅供大家的借鉴参考! 1愿你俩百年好合 I wish you much good luck in one hundred 2愿你俩婚姻幸福美满 I wish you much happiness together 3我们从未见过如此般配的一对;新婚快乐,早生贵子Happy Marriage and may you have a lovely baby early;由于文话的不同,老外一般不会硬生生的说新婚快乐have a good wedlock!如果在婚礼现场,你可以说congratulations! hope you will love each other forever! best wishes!如果是在不久以前结的婚,你可以说Enjoy your。

3、congratulations you have a wonderful new life together祝新婚快乐祝词如下God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们My very best wishes to you。

4、大家想知道关于新婚快乐的英语怎么说吗新婚快乐英语?Happy married life!祝新婚快乐!Congratulations on your marriage!恭喜喜结连理!Hoping the best for you two today and forever!希望你们俩好好的,直到永远!On your special day;2 I heard you#39re getting married Congratulations!我听说你们要结婚了,恭喜阿3 congratulations to the bride and groom祝福新郎和新娘4 may you have a wonderful new life together祝新婚快乐5。



