

1本杰明·富兰克林1706117904,美国革命时期名人英文的资产阶级民主主义思想家,杰出名人英文的政治活动家,卓越的科学家名人英文他是美国十八世纪仅列于华盛顿之后的最著名人物1723年,富兰克林17岁,他因与兄长的不合而离开家庭,独自;Gates 女性名人 1 居里夫人,法国国籍波兰科学家,Marie Curie18671934 2 海伦名人英文?凯勒,美国盲聋女作家,Helen keller 3 玛格丽特米切尔,美国女作家,Mitchell, Margaret 4 艾米莉?勃朗特,英国女作家,Emily Bronte 5。

用英文举一些伟人成功的例子 1居里夫人Madame Curie Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world She was born in 1867 She first lived in Poland, then went to France When she was very;历任美国总统 1 乔治·华盛顿 George Washington 1789年-1797年 开国总统 2 约翰·亚当斯 John Adams 联邦党 1797年-1801年 人称老亚当斯,儿子是第6任美国总统,和儿子是为美国历史上第一对父子档总统3。

1爱因斯坦 Albert Einstein was a Germanborn physicist, although most people probably know him as the most intelligent person who ever lived In 1999, ‘Time’ magazine named Einstein as the Person of the;He is legend Jeremy Lin from Taiwan,for a typical ABC 在美国出生的华人 On the season as a top four player,Jeremy Lin will bring to the hitherto unknown height of Harvard University,has made the school。


英文Jay, in January 1979 18, sound, is China#39s Taiwan mandarin pop singer, famous musicians, music creators, composer, lyrics and music producer, jewell, one company boss director In recent years。

阿道夫·希特勒Adolf Hitler 斯大林 繁体 史达林 英文 Stalin 俄文 Сталин 列宁Ле#769нин,1870年4月22日1924年1月21日,此为笔名笔名弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·列宁 Vladimir Ilich Lenin 俄文。

1克里斯多夫威利巴尔德冯格鲁克,德国音乐家,歌剧家 Christoph Willibald Gluck 2亨里克#8226维尼亚夫斯基,波兰小提琴家作曲家Henryk Wieniawski 3肖邦,波兰作曲家钢琴家, Chopin 4库劳,德国钢琴家作曲家。


1、1JK Rowling is the pen name she uses as a writer The J is for Joanne, her real first name, but she prefers to be called JoApparently, people only call her Joanne when they#39re angry with her。

2、Confucius former on 28 September 551former on April 11, 479, son last name, KongShi, the name, the word you, very lu city now China#39s shandong province south essien ocres town, China#39s spring。


3、1Other men live to eat, while I eat to live 别人为食而生存,我为生存而食 Socrates 苏格拉底 2Easy come, easy go 易得者亦易失 Hazlitt赫斯特 3Love rules his kingdom without a。



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