

W hello M hello Y hi W IstudyEnglishveryhard whataboutyou关于英语学习的英语对话? M Idon#39tthinkso Y Idon#39tthinkso,too W really?HowtostudyEnglish? Y Ithinkyouhavetotrytolearnthebasis skillsoflisteningspeakingreadingwriting I;English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English寻找学伴一起练习口语英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣3If English。

ALet#39s talk about language learningBOK,In my opinion,it#39s important to practice speaking skills for a languageAAbsolutelyAnd listening abilities alsoAs a language,it#39s used to communicate as whole;AHi!Tom,wonld youlike to go shopping with me?BOhI’m sorry I#39ve got a lof of homgworkACome on you cando it laterBBut l have to piay football with my friendsADon#39t worryWe#39。

关于简单的英语对话篇1 Lucy发现自己已经穿不上以前买的牛仔裤了她抱怨是因为妈妈做的饭太好吃,自己才吃胖了,妈妈则提醒她要多锻炼英语情景会话 以下L代表Lucy,M代表Mom L Mom, I#39m getting fatI can#39t fit;A I am very frustrated about my English exam 我的英语考试让我很郁闷I think English is too difficult, and I don#39t like it 我觉得英语太难了,我不喜欢英语B Well, English is not that hard。

关于英语对话范文篇一 A Will you go the Mathewrsquos wedding party this Saturday?关于英语学习的英语对话你参加马修周六的婚礼吗?B No unless I get invited I hate weddings不去,除非我接到请贴我讨厌婚礼A What for。


英语情景对话不仅能激发学生的学习兴趣,还可以有效调动学生积极参与到活动中大胆地进行对话,这对于培养学生口语交际能力起到了积极的作用我整理了关于两人简单的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于两人简单的英语对话篇一 T hi, Bet;BOh,I have a trouble in studing EnglishYou see,the English exam is comingBut I don#39t know what to go over My English is so poor奥,我在学习英语方面有麻烦了你知道的,英语考试就要来了 但。

BNot goodI have some problem learning EnglishI am even wondering wether it is improtant to learn English or notADon#39t worryI#39ll help you! English is a language which can be a useful tool for;篇一关于常见的英语口语对话 1开饭啦!Come and get it!这句直译为“来端菜!”it是指“做好了的饭菜”,全句的意思是“饭做好了,来吃吧!”是母亲常说的话It#39s time for dinner! 该吃晚饭啦。

1A Hi Lauren!B Hey MsFingerhut!A Are you studying in the library?B Actually I am, and for the upcoming english quizA I am happy to hear that, you are a diligent girlB Aww thank you;篇一关于常用英文情景口语对话 Tom Hey, Jim, what are you doing?嘿,吉姆,你在做什么?Jim Reading a book, and I have a paper to write and an important test to prepare看书,我有一篇论文要写,一。

众所周知,很多国家的母语都是英语我们从小学就开始学习英语,然而作为一名大学生,我们的口语水平还是不太理想我整理了关于英语对话短文,欢迎阅读!关于英语对话短文篇一 Ann If you have 8 million yuan, would you。

英语对话应该从小练起,从小培养良好的英语基础,下面小编搜集了关于三年级学生的英语对话句子,供给大家学习英语情景对话句子 1老师叫孩子们过来,她会说Come here, children2邀请朋友来学校参观,你可以说Welcome!3;1 Hello,everyone,I have a question Have you ever thought what is learning language for?2I think that learn language is for the exchange of ideas3For communication4I think it is for practicing。

W hello M hello Y hi W I study English very hard what about you ?M I don#39t think soY I don#39t think so,tooW really ? How to study English ?Y I think you have to try to learn。



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