

英语一般有两种问日期的方式1What day isittoday?2What’s the date today?例句What day isit today? It’s Wednesday Today is WednesdayWhat’s the date today? It’s March 20th;询问今天是几月几号星期几的英语问法为what#39s today示例1What#39s today? It#39s Monday the11th今天什么日子今天是11号周一2#39What#39s today?#39 he cried, calling down to a boy in the stre;What is the date today?It is the of 这就是一个叙述词。


今天几号的英文是what#39s the date todaydate是日期的意思,今天几号的英语提问是What#39s the date today或what#39s today#39s date,回答是Today is而What day is it today则是问今天是星期几英文日期表达有多种形式;What#39s the date today?It#39s June the twentyfirst 今天是六月二十一日;英语今天是几月几号怎么说?What#39s the date today?英语什么时候上数学课怎么说?When is the maths class?你想买什么东西?What do you want to buy?你朋友手表的价格是多少?How much is your friend#39s watch?你喜欢;What is the date today问到是什么日期的时候就要用date,要是问星期几那就是用day,What day is today望采纳,谢谢;What is the date today?“今天的日期”的正式说法是 the date today,如果问今天的日期是这样说的 What is the date today? 口语中也可以用today#39s datedate的英式读法是de#618t美式读法是de#618t;what#39s the date today今天是几月几号What day is it today今天星期几what#39s today今天几号,星期几。

今天是七月七号Today is July 7th重点词汇todayadv在今天,在今日 n今天,今日 1How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎么样2The United States is in a serious recession today 当今美国正处于严重的;“几月几日”还可以用“几月的第几天”表示如“八月十三日”还可写为“the thirteenth day of August”希望能帮到你 问题九英语今天是几月几号怎么说 What is the date today问到是什么日期的时候就要用;“几月几日”的英文A few months and days month 读法 英 m#652nθ 美 m#652nθn名词 月,月份 短语 1about a month约一个月 2after two months两个月以后 3by the month按月 4;1 Today is May first今天是五月一号2 或者说 It’s May first3It’s Saturday 可以用星期回答Today is September fifth 今天是五月五号或者说It’s September fifthToday is May seventh;应该是what is the date today?what date is it today?what#39s the day today? 的意思是今天星期几。

今天是星期几的英语是What day is it today,读音为w#652t de#618 #618z #618t t#601#712de#618今天几月几号的英语是What date is it today,w#652t de#618;请注意该句可以翻译成What date is it today?希望能够帮到您。



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