

回答在中国每一个人都知道一句谚语不到长城,非好汉 In China,everyone knows the famous sayingless than the Great Wall of nonhero。

正确答案He whodoes not reach the Great wall is not a real man解析这是一个含有定语从句的主从复合句,who在从句中做主语,又是指人,所以用who做引导词这样讲可以吧。

The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world created by human beings If you go to Chinese but haven#39t been to the Great Wall, I thought of Paris not to have a look Phil tower, or like to。



1 不到长城非好汉长城一定要去The Great Wall is a 2 当然听说过而且我还记得中国有句俗话“不到长城非好汉”Sure But I remember an old Chinese quotOne is not a。

不到长城非好汉长城一定要去The Great Wall is a must不到长城非好汉,不吃北京烤鸭布什美食家Peking Duck at QUANJUDE Food for Real Gourmets许多人都知道这句中国名言“不到长城非好汉”He who has。



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