月结英语(月结协议 英文)


1、“票结月结英语,月结”quotTicket knotquot英 n#596t 美 nɑtn 结,绳结,结节,装饰用的花结,蝴蝶结 航节=浬小时,浬,海里 树木或木材上的节疤,人或动物身上的硬块,节,瘤。

2、付款方式月结30天付款 英文Payment method 30 days monthly settlement词汇解析一payment 英 #712pe#618m#601nt 美 #712pem#601ntn付款,支付报酬,报答偿还惩罚,报应 二met。

3、All the payment#39sfor goods refund is using 45 days monthly statement 这里 for goods 可加可不加 monthly statement goods goes by this month, all the payoff wind up from the next month#39s first day。

4、With ups signed a month knot terms, so every year to save 30,000。

5、楼上的太书面语月结英语了,正常都说 pay monthly 就好月结英语月结英语我想一个月结一次账单 I#39d like to pay monthly。

6、the inconvenience caused If there is anything I can help please let me know 您好,月结英语我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助 englishstudyinfo 祝您好运。

7、Hello, China by the end of September ushered in the National Day, all employees of the company have a holiday, the bill will be delayed for 10 days sent to the UPS embarrassed您好,中国9月底迎来国庆节。

8、你翻译的基本没什么问题,意思都表达出来了一个小建议due to 和 so 在句子前后不要一起用,有其中一个就可以了建议修改为Since this client has signed the #39pay monthly#39 with us, it is estimated that the。

9、由银行提供的概述公司交易活动,现金结余及各账户费用的帐单,通常为月结A bank statement, usually monthly, summarizes the transaction movements, balance and charges on each bank account held by the。

10、以下是 无 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的酒店词汇酒店专业英语术语,供大家参考更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道 1 Accommodation 住宿提供的给予睡觉休息的场所 2 Adjoining Room 邻近房指两间房间近连在一起。

11、AMS=After monthly statement 月结后 Net 不是简写,习惯是指不包括其他如,折扣等COD=cash on delivery 货款到付 TT=Telegraph Transfer 电汇 DEPOSIT= 订金。


13、Party B agrees to the following article 2 ways of clearing freight 1 the cost of voyage settlement, only when Party A to pay all expenses, Party B before the delivery of bill of lading or goods。

月结英语(月结协议 英文)

14、The company has a comparison with the upstream of the customer longterm cooperation relations, and signed longterm contracts, cooperation time more than four years Settlement way for photo shipmentsThe company。


标签: 月结英语



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