

1、人际交往 这个词本身在中文里就是名词人际交往英文,英文也一样如果要动词的话人际交往英文,就是”交往人际交往英文,交流”人际交往英文,communicate。

2、The picture is talking about a story about neighborhood Two ladies living in the opposite apartments say ldquohellordquo when they happen to meet each other in the corridor One of them says, ldquo。


3、善于人际交往用“sociable”这个词就很好例如,Peter is very sociable 彼得很太善于交际。


5、人际交往常用的英语口语 生活中,人与人之间需要交流那么,常用的交际英语口语有哪些呢?一起来学习学习!1欣然接受,直接谢谢 Thank you, that#39s very kind of you!谢谢你这么说I really appreciate you noticing that。

6、quotHuman intercoursequot 的中文意思是“人类交往”,通常是指人与人之间的交流,包括言语和非言语的互动在不同的情境中,这个词可以指不同的交往类型,比如工作交往社交交往亲密关系交往等等英文例句1Good human。

7、first of all, a good interpersonal relation promote people become successful through the human history, we can summarize that no one can do everything well and become successful alone most of the great men。



10、The Impact of Internet on Interpersonal Communication 网络对人际交往的影响 When I first set my eyes on a father and his daughter, I heard the father ask about his daughter#39s school lifeTo my surprise, the。

11、With the rapidly development of society, modern people are supposed to be mindful of the interpersonal relation in order to boost productivity or come a long way in the futureHowever, there are no denying。

12、Recently,we find more and more problems in getting along with othersFrom my perspective,there are several points needed to be concernedFirst,we are almost the onlychild of our family and be spoiled by。

13、英语作文 人际交往中几乎人人都会遇到一些令人尴尬的事情你觉得 秋季 当树叶开始落下,当火红的枫叶,秋天的女孩走了轻盈的脚步来到我们身边时,凉爽的微风掠过男人的心 看!西湖旁边像黄金叶铺就的小道,行人纷纷停止听美丽的秋天。

14、With the rapidly development of society,modern people are supposed to be mindful of the interpersonal relation in order to boost productivity or come a long way in the futureHowever,there are no denying。

15、With the development of our society, the connection between people becomes inevitablePeople need to communicate with others as long as they are in the worldAs a result, the interpersonal relationship becomes。



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