

I am a fan of you我是你的粉丝用英语怎么说, your songs are very good to listen to, should pay attention to the body and the like to say to the idol 我是你的粉丝用英语怎么说我是你的粉丝,你的歌都很好听,要注意身体之类对偶像说 I am a fan of y。


Hello, I am your fans I like you as you are a father Today is my birthday Could you say happy birthday to me。

Hello, I am your fan, like watching your movies, I will always support you。

I#39m your fans forever楼上的,落了个s。

I am Jackie Chan‘s fan。

凉拌粉丝 COLD VERMICELLI Cold Green Bean Noodles in Dressing 粉丝色拉 Vermicelli Salad 希望帮到你 问题四我是某人的粉丝,英语怎么说 I am a fan of Harry Potter 问题五粉丝用英语怎么说 fans 问题六。


If I were you fans,then I like you。

比较口语的I#39m a big fan of you and I wanna you can wish me a happy birthday 我是你的粉丝用英语怎么说!比较正经的It will be greatly appreciated if you could wish me a happy birthday and I admire you very much!大概。

凉拌粉丝 COLD VERMICELLI Cold Green Bean Noodles in Dressing 粉丝色拉 Vermicelli Salad 希望帮到你 问题七我是某人的粉丝,英语怎么说 I am a fan of Harry Potter 问题八我是周杰伦的粉丝,翻译成英语。

请问你是权志龙吗 志龙你好 我是你的中国粉丝 我永远支持你 Are you GDragon权志龙Hello, I#39m your big fan from China, I will back up you forever。

a virtuoso performance against Cameroon英格兰队的球迷期待着该队与喀麦隆队能够上演一场精彩对决I#39ve been one of your number one fans for nigh on three years now 我一直是你的铁杆粉丝之一,到现在快3年了。

能把球衣给我吗 Can the shirt for me 我是你的忠实粉丝 I am your loyal fans 能给我签个名吗 Can give me your autograph 楼主希望能帮助您!*^__^* 嘻嘻。

你是指贴吧里的关注么什么“我粉你了” “求粉” “秒粉” 如果是的话,这个在facebook上用的是friend是当动词使用,如My request for friending you has been pending for weeks 我在facbook的好友申请。

a Chinese traditional festival We usually have lots of rice dumplingsIt is called zong zi in China on that day!Finally, welcome to visit China! I love you~*^^*你看这样可不可以。



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