

Sometimes he is very mean和蔼的用英语怎么说,but sometimes he is very kind。

v droll adj antic和蔼的用英语怎么说, comical和蔼的用英语怎么说,ridiculous, funny n pleasantry,clownery, ridiculous, jesting, humour, humor, waggery, buffoonery,facetiae 和蔼可亲 adj good natured, mild, grateful, acceptable。

quot和蔼的用英语怎么说他有时很凶,有时很和蔼quot的英文Sometimes he was fierce and sometimes kind fierce 读法 英 f#618#601s 美 f#618rsadj 凶猛的猛烈的暴躁的 短语1fierce braking急剧制动 2fierce。


回答Teacher is strict with us,but he shethey is also friendly with us So we love heshethey very much。

#601b#601l美 #39em#618#601bladj和蔼的亲切的 例句Sara remained outwardly amiable towards all concerned but was inwardly furious萨拉表面上依然对所有有关人员都很和善,心里却暗自愠怒。

Her character is very kind, kind and helpful to others。

和蔼可亲 的英语是 amiable 例句 和蔼的用英语怎么说我的老师是位和蔼可亲的人 My teacher is an amiable person 希望对你有帮助,也希望点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,谢谢。



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