

traditional music 传统音乐 classical music 古典音乐 light music 轻音乐 dancing music 舞曲 pop music 流行音乐 folk music 民间音乐 country music 乡村音乐 Jazz 爵士 rockroll 摇滚 blues 布鲁斯传统音乐英语,蓝调 swing 摇摆乐。


民间音乐的英语为名folk music folk民间音乐Folk music,又称民俗音乐民间短篇诗歌等,简称民谣民歌民乐,于国际民间音乐协会IFMC之解释定义为经过口传过程发展起来的普罗大众音乐,也就是该音乐。

Generalized that a national folkstyle songs, folk songs refers narrowly folk songs Folk songs in the folk songs generations widespread, is the most popular form of music, is the public verbal creativity, and。

Music could be created in any place when you have inspirationAt most times,we enjoy music like symphonic musicEven pop music,there is needn#39t to understand what are they wanting to tell usWe just need。

民间音乐英语为folk music民间音乐是劳动人民自发的口头创作,并主要借助口头形式传播在世世代代传播过程中,经过了无数人的加工和改编,凝结着传统音乐英语我国历代人民集体的智慧,是中国人民在几千年历史进程中不断积累沉淀筛选。

Classical music is the art music produced in, or rooted in, the traditions of Western liturgical and secular music, encompassing a broad period from roughly the 11th century to present times The central norms。

orchestra管弦乐团,house,RB,reggae雷鬼,BOSSA NOVA巴西音乐,punk rock朋克,britpop英式摇滚,SOFT ROCK慢摇滚,Pop Metal 流行金属,RAP说唱,pop流行乐,Soul灵魂乐曲。

Classical music古典音乐 Pop music流行音乐 Blues蓝调歌曲,忧郁音乐 Rock Roll摇滚乐 Jazz爵士乐 Orchestral music管弦乐队音乐 Contemporary music现代音乐。

Classical means quotold and establishedquot or quottraditionalquot most recent novel is a don#39t like classical music very much这个英语解释和我这里的说法是吻合的“古典音乐”classical music是。



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