

1、您好,同学用英语是classmate,复数是classmates英语中教师是teacher,复数是teaches同学们英语怎么说;同学英语释义classmateschoolmate 同学英语例句即使多年没有看见我同学们英语怎么说的同学,我也马上认出了他Even though I hadn#39t seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately我在旅行期间舆同学们保持联系I;1Hello,boys and girls翻译同学们好2Hello, students翻译同学们好3Hello everyon翻译同学们好大家好4Hello,class翻译同学们好5Hello,everybody翻译同学们好;“同学们早上好”英语是quotGood morning, studentsquot双语造句同学们早上好,我是数学老师杨老师Good morning, I am Mrs Yang老师同学们,早上好今天我们演讲同学们英语怎么说的主题是快乐着集体的快乐Good morning everyone! The;对应的英语1 Come on, My classmates!2 Go for it, my classmates;同学们,你们好用英文说Hello, everyoneHiya, my classmates。

2、老师问我你跟你同桌说了什么3Neither I nor my deskmate knows the answer to the question我和我同桌都不知道该怎么回答这个问题4Deskmate of you, you remember before us?同桌的你,你还记得以前的我们吗;同学,又称同窗,是指有共同学习环境的一群学生可小分为同班同学同级同学和同校同学等那么你知道同学用英语怎么说吗下面来学习一下吧同学英语释义classmateschoolmate 同学英语例句即使多年没有看见我的同学,我schoolfellow;同学们英语是classmates,读音是 #39klɑ#720sme#618ts,是classmate的复数短语 my classmates 我的同班同学 with many classmates and 有很多同学朋友 My Foreign Classmates 我的外籍同学 例句 1Do you not;quot同学们quot英语classmates读音英 k#39lɑsme#618ts 美 k#39lɑsme#618ts例句1As a heavy child, she became the object of ridicule from classmates由于体胖,她成了班上同学嘲笑的对象2Classmat。


3、同学们英语是classmates,读音是 #39klɑ#720sme#618ts ,是classmate的复数短语 my classmates 我的同班同学 with many classmates and 有很多同学朋友 My Foreign Classmates 我的外籍同学 例句 1Do you not。

4、下午好同学们的英文Good afternoon,classmatesafternoon 读法 英 ɑ#720ft#601#39nu#720n 美 ,#230ft#602#39nunn名词午后,下午 短语 1Graduation Afternoon 毕业午后 2one afternoon 一天。



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