

时装秀 词典 fashion show例句那时时装秀英文,在我时装秀英文的生日派对上,我组织时装秀英文了一场时装秀At that time I organized a fashion show during my birthday party。

短语1for show 为了外表,为了装门面,为引起注意为炫耀 2talk show 脱口秀访谈节目 3fashion show 时装秀时装表演会 4put on a show 假装给人家看装病 5trade show 贸易展览内部预映。

时装表演的英语是fashion show时装表演的介绍时装表演是最接近于生活的舞台艺术这样讲不仅仅是指时装对人们生活中着装服饰起到重要的引导作用,最主要的还是指时装表演中的动作取之于生活,忠实于生活,并且要高于生活。

fashion show满意请采纳,谢谢,搜一团尛熙很高兴为您解答。

正文I think the trainers, the jeans and the jumper are in fashion nowThe trainers are young peoplequots favourite I think the trainers are beautiful and comfortable if theyquotre made of leatherMaybe we。


A School Fashion Show Yesterday morning, our school held a fashion show Many boys and girls went to model in the show They wore all kinds of clothes, and they looked attractive and lovely They mad。

faithful to life and higher than life时装表演是最接近于生活的舞台艺术这样讲不仅仅是指时装对人们生活中着装服饰起到重要的引导作用,最主要的还是指时装表演中的动作取之于生活,忠实于生活,并且要高于生活。


“环保”的说法有好几个,但除非是正经的官方场合,很少人用environmental protection之类的,像fashion show这种地方,可以用像是green啊,lowcarb之类的。

翻译 时间五月二日,星期三,上午好去购物,和周围的许多人门超市李华,很忙原来有一场时装秀上,许多模型展示漂亮的衣服,人们都很感兴趣一个最有吸引力的是服装和那些穿着传统的模型看上去很漂亮from700p。

裸体走秀英文Naked walk show裸体走秀,是指模特以全裸的形式在T台上走台展示,以最原始的身姿演绎时尚的味道在2011伦敦春夏时装周的最后一场时装秀,帽类发型设计师Charlie Le Mindu主导了一场“天体盛宴”整场发布。

No longer just simple hippy styles of the past, today eco couture is cutting edge, high fashion savvy and sophisticated不再只是过去简单的嬉皮风格,如今环保时装不仅流行度高,时尚又典雅由此可见应翻译为eco。

My Deskmate Jenny is my deskmate She is a hardworking girl When she was twelve years old, she won the first in a citywide poetry recitation contest Now she is chairman of the Student Union in。

初二看一场时装秀,写一篇 英语 作文 ,倒也值了下面是是我给大家整理了初二英语时装秀作文,供大家参阅时装秀英文!八年级 英语时装秀作文篇1 Time on May 2, on Wednesday, fineMorning to go shopping。

What a Great Show!Joe Well, there was quite a show!Lin Zhi I’ll say=I agree我同意 I’ve never seen one as good as it That final dress was amazing! I don’t even know what the。



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