

1、1分摊fēn tānsharedivide pro rata split share out apportion2中文释义 分担摊派 3双语例句 公司将在500,000名保险单持有人中分摊13亿美元The company will share out$ 13 billion among 5。

2、share 英 #643e#601 美 #643#603rvt 分享,分担分配 vi 共享分担 n 份额股份 短语market share 市场占有率 share of 的份额的部份 share in 分享,分担。


4、share表“分享,分担,共用 ”,为及物动词,我们只能说分担,分享某物,不可能分享某人,因此,其宾语不可能为sb只能为某物,故share sth with sb 正确如I share my room with my brother我和我弟弟共用一个房间。


6、Share the housework 百度专家组为您解答,请按一下手机右上角的采纳谢谢。

7、If you have any problem, don#39t hesitate to ask We can solve it together。

8、It can not only let us learn to share, but also cultivate our independence in doing housework。

9、If permit, could I share something for you。

10、From now on, your pain your pain, I will accompany you to share together, until we get old moment。

11、中文名风险分担英文名Risk Sharing Risk Allocation例如,在设计以贷款方式运用信托资金的信托产品时,受益人的收益与受托人的报酬具有负相关性质在贷款利率确定的前提下,提高受益人的收益必然要压缩受托人的报酬,反之。

12、Sharing Housework Mother is always the greatest person in the family, because she takes care of everything, she does all the housework, though she is a housewife, what she is so heavy and great I nearly。

13、谁能提供以下英文介词的搭配表,带有中文解释的,按英文字母的顺序排序的谢谢谁能提供一下英文常用介词搭配表,最好带中文解释,按英文字母顺序排序 谁能提供以下英文介词的搭配表,带有中文解释的,按英文字母的顺序排序的谢谢谁能。

14、no matter how many pressure you are suffering, I just want to say, there got my shoulder我觉得这个样子写比较英文大概就是说,无论你承受多少,这儿都有我的肩膀Share your pain to me这个是你的愿意。

15、Why don#39t you learn to share trouble with your family members?呵呵~·~~~刚好11个单词~~~。

16、I hope you get better soon,to shore with me some trivail。


标签: 分担的英文



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