

1、我有一个笔友我的笔友英语作文50字,他的名字是汤姆他是从英国来的他12岁他的生日是五月十五日他喜欢打篮球他喜欢姚明的他认为姚明是多方位的他擅长数学他最喜欢的颜色是绿色他最喜欢的食物是花椰菜所以他很健康我喜欢我的笔友英语作文50字;1I have a pen pal who is a young man from England 我有一位笔友,他是一位来自英国的年轻人 2We communicate through letters, sharing our lives and interests 我们通过书信交流,分享彼此的生活和兴趣 3Pen pals;my pen friend My pen pal,how are you我的笔友英语作文50字?I am from China,red,and I like singing and dancing,just had finished Christmas abroad,I think this festival is very interestingI want to tell you this holiday with。


2、Lilei is my penfriend He gets up at 600 everyday in the moning from Monday to Friday Then he brushes his teeth ,washes his face He has breakfat at 630 He goes to school at 700 He;I have a pen pal 我有个笔友She#39s from Shanghai 她来自上海She is 14 years old她今年14岁She speaks English very well 她英语说的很好She has many hobbies watching TV, reading books, playing;we discuss a passage in that magazine we both like It’s really funny参考译文 我有一个笔友,他的名字叫李想他今年12岁,是北京人我们都喜欢一本杂志,也是通过那本杂志认识的李想和我一样,都喜欢踢足球;中文我有一个笔友,她来自韩国我们每周写一次信,我们有很多相同之处,我们都有黑眼睛,黑头发,黄皮肤在周末,我们都很喜欢和朋友一起去看电影但是,我们也有不同之处比如说,我最喜欢的科目是地理,她最喜欢。

3、My Pen Pal我的笔友 I made a pen pal two years ago Her name is Cindy She is from ShanghaiShe saidit’s a beautiful city and hopes I can visit there one dayWe communicate witheach other by lette;My pen palI have a pen pal,He is a Chinese,his name is Liping,he is 14 years old this year,September 10th is his birthdayLiping likes playing footbal and matching moviesLook,the football is under。

4、1 写一个关于新笔友的英语作文 This is my best friend , shehe is very friendly We often play games together She has big eyes, *** all nose, and brown curly hair She is very *** art;以下两篇,参考一下 1 My pen pal is an outstanding person我的笔友是一个出色的人She#39s from China Shanghai 她来自上海She is 14 years old她今年14岁She speak English very well 她英语说的很好;I have a penpal from the United StatesHe is a middle school student of junior grade 2He is good at his lessons and he is a top student in his class When I started to write to him,he asked;我的笔友英语作文50字你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下My pen pal I have a pen pal His name is Steve He is 13 He is from Australia He is tall with a medium build He has blond hair He is very cool。

5、1Hello my pen friend i#39m writting this to tell you my plan about this winter holiday,i will finish my homework for about 3days and then i can have a good spring festival,My family will go to shang;我喜欢看书,因此小小的书房堆积着如山的书籍书房虽然很小,但是书的世界却无限宽广我是主张看书的,古典文学,经典文学,名人传记我都看书就像是我的知心朋友,它给我鼓励,给我信心,陪伴着我的成长I am;I would do the same thing for him翻译我想告诉你一个秘密我有一个很好的笔友我们彼此都没见面但我们是好朋友我们有着共同的兴趣而且总是知道对方的想法我们都喜欢读书,看电影和听音乐如果我们中的任何人。



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