

人工智能是一把双刃剑英文是Artificial intelligence is a doubleedged sword人工智能Artificial Intelligence一把双刃剑英语,英文缩写为AI已经足以替代人类它是研究开发用于模拟延伸和扩展人一把双刃剑英语的智能的理论方法技术及应用系统的。


火是一把双刃剑 First come一把双刃剑英语, first served先来后到 First impressions are half the battle初次见面一把双刃剑英语,印象最深 First think and then speak先想后说 Fools grow without watering朽木不可雕 Fool#39s haste is no。

Loneliness is a doubleedged sword, he makes the inner rich people more rich, so that the inner emptiness of the people more empty。

Everything has two sides一everything1读音英 #39evriθ#618#331,美 #39evriθ#618#3312意思pron 一切所有事物形势情况最重要的东西 3例句His standard for everything is。

火是一把双刃剑 First come, first served 先来后到 First impressions are half the battle 初次见面,印象最深 First think and then speak 先想后说 Fools grow without watering 朽木不可雕 Fool#39s haste is。

the internet is a doubleedged sword As we all know,Internet is one of the most important and valuable inventions up to now in the worldMany students also like surfing the InternetOn one hand,some。

everything has two sides 或用在句子里的double blade sword例 At the very start, athletic sport is a double blade sword竞技体育从一开始,就是一把双刃剑。



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