

一年360节课的费用是大概就几千元,一节课的价格是20元左右,性价比高英语预定客房的情景对话范文如下Guest Hello, is that Jinjiang Hotel? 你好,是锦江大酒店吗 Operator Hello, this is the switchboard;预定 reserve 预定房间,座位等的 advance booking 预定房间票预约 make a reservation 预定时间 preset time 我想预定一个房间 I want to reserve a room 我们这儿是有您预订的房间 We do have a reservation;A Hello ,this is the the Grand View Hotel what can I do for you? 您好,这里是深圳景轩酒店,很乐意为您服务B I’d like to make a reservation in your hotel 我想在你的酒店预定房间 A;sir,your room is already reservedand it#39s really my honor to get the chance to do your businessmay you have a nice day in here;货预定11 月4 日抵达西雅图2 I#39ve booked you in at the Grand Hotel我已经在格兰大饭店为你预定了房间3 I think we#39ve made reservations Have you fixed them?我想我们已预定了房间,你们准备好了吧?4;1我要预定一个房间 不好意思,我们房间已经满了 I need a room直接对接待员说就可以不用book这个词了Sorry,sirmadamRooms are all booked up2我们还有只剩一套房间了 Only one room is a;旅游英语常用口语之预定房间How many in your party?你们有几位?Who#39s the booking for?请问预订人的姓名是?I#39d like to book a room, please我想订房All rooms are unavailable所有房间有订满了What is the。

如何用英语打电话订房情景对话篇CGood morning, this is the Front DeskMay i help you,sir?早上好,这是前台需要我帮忙吗,先生?Gyes,i#39dlike to reserve a room是的,我想要订个房间 CThank you,Sir;1酒店预订房间的英语口语常用语 1May I have the room type, please? What kind of room would you like to reserve?请问需要预订哪一类型的房间?2What kind of room do you have?请问贵酒店有什么房间类型?3;hotel reservations 网络 预定房间 宾馆预定例句If you wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations 如果您想外出度周末,我们办事处将很乐意为您预订旅馆;英式英语用book,强调要有非常确定的时间,因为英国佬更严谨美式英语常用reserve,表示预留房间或座位,但没有book那么时间确定但剧院戏票预定更常用book如要下订单,则要用order词语用法 order作“次序,顺序”“治安。


make a reservation 预定房间 例句1 Good afternoon Do you have a reservation?下午好,您预定房间了吗2 Do you need a reservation?你需要预定房间吗3 We#39re just a twominute drive from there Would;酒店订房间英语口语 外出旅游,去酒店订房间要怎么用英语沟通呢?下面是我整理的关于酒店房间的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!我们想要两间邻接的双人房 StaffGood afternoon, ladies May I help you?下午好,女士们 我能;Reservation office,I#39d like to reserve a single room that contains a bathroom and three double rooms that contain bathroomsWe will live in on December 20th,2003 Besides, We want to hire a meettingroom on;谢谢,我想预定一间单人标准间,最好是介于4楼到7楼之间的嗯,我需要你们的工作人员在我到达九点前开启窗户并打扫房间,可以吗?A Ok,sir,I already taken some notes about your requirementsNow let me check the。

约翰我想订一个房间,五月2号到4号,请问你们还有空房吗?Front Desk Yes, we have What kind of room would you like?前台还有空房您需要什么样的房间?John I#39d like a suite with an ocean view, please;预定酒店英语,酒店预定房间 Book hotel English, hotel reservation 预定酒店英语,酒店预定房间 Book hotel English, hotel reservation;“预定房间”的英语reserve room 读法英 r#618#712z#604#720v ru#720m 美 r#618#712z#604#720rv ru#720m例句I#39ll phone up today and reserve a room我今天将。



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