

1、make snowmen 堆雪人冬天能干什么英语,have a warm bath 泡温泉。

2、春天go hiking ,go for picnic 夏天go fishing,swimming 秋天go to admire the full moon 冬天go skating,snowball,snowman。

3、I like winter best, because in winter , I can play snowball and make a snowman with my friends It snows in winter, it is often very pretty! In the winter, I can do many my favorite activities。

4、你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下冬季锻炼正是时候,体育锻炼可提高人们冬天能干什么英语的御寒能力It is winter exercise, physical exercise can improve people#39s ability to keep out the cold希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

5、冬季When winner comes,it become coldPeople will stay at home to watch TvSome students will make a snowman当冬季来临时,天气变得寒冷,人们将会待在家里看电视,一些学生会玩堆雪人的游戏。

6、seasonsWhat can people do in spring summer autumn winter冬天能干什么英语?秋季还可以写成fall 回答In spring we can fly kites and plant treesFarmers are busy growing their plantsThe elderly people and the young。


7、Winter is beautiful,because in which the white world is very niceIn winter , I always go skating with my friends, for that is my favouritesBecause of skating stimulation,I like it very much,I love the。

8、My favourite season is winterIn winter,It will snow,the scene is very beautifulAnd I can wear beautiful sweate and eiderdown overcoat during the winterAnd also ski tooIts very funny,I like it very。

9、In spring,we can plant a tender treeIn summer,we can swim freely like fishes in the seaIn fallautumn,we can harvest the crops In winter,we can make a lovely snowman。

10、I like winter very much When winter comes, I often play on the ice with some friends We like to make snowmen and we also go skating on the ice Though it is cold in winter, I like it very。


12、I like winter Although relatively cold winter,but not in winter as summer as the hot summer did not so much mosquitoes,can see the snow in the winter and can snowball fights。

13、中文冬天是美丽的,雪白的世界,很美丽在冬天,我经常跟朋友们去滑雪,我喜欢滑雪,因为那是刺激的,我爱冬天,更爱这个雪白的世界翻译Winter is beautiful,because in which the white world is very niceIn winter 。

14、Warming winter in my eyes Yeah, as we all know that winter is chilly and freezing,then the word quotwarimingquot would make no sense speaking of winterHowever,as far as I am concerned, I like that because。

15、what are you doing in winter一般现在时 What will you do in winter? 一般将来时 What are you going to do in winter一般将来时 What do you do in the winter一般现在时 what have you ever done。

16、问题三在秋天里我们可以干什么用英文回答, We can pick apples问题四英语季节,春天能干什么,夏天能干什么,秋天能干什么,冬天能干什么 5分 seasonsWhat can people do in spring summer autumn winter。

17、英语季节,春天能干什么,夏天能干什么,秋天能干什么,冬天能干什么5分seasonsWhatcanpeopledoinspringsummerautumnwinter?秋季还可以写成fall 回答。

18、Winter is my favorite seasonIt is the prettiest,with bright rays of sunlight glinting off the fresh snow and ice sculptures in the trees and shadows playing tricks with your eyes on the groundThe slow。



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