

1、Good morning,my goddess亲祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V望采纳,thx;有另一个意思是“我的女神”,对一个自己很崇拜的女人说的英文书写的注意事项英文书写应符合规范,英文字母要写清楚写整齐写美观,字母的大小和字母间距要匀称 英语的书写应掌握以下要点1写英文字母要掌握正确;我的女神 词典 电影 Aa! Megamisama! The Movie例句在我的梦中,你仍然是我的女神You are my girl in my dream! for ever。


2、“我的女神”英文翻译是“My goddess”谢谢采纳加油,陌生人;女神的英文单词是goddess词汇分析音标英 #712g#594d#618s 美 ɡɑd#618s释义n 女神,受崇拜的女性 短语goddess Alliance 女神联盟 Flower Goddess 花神 天女散花 Nike Goddess 耐克女神店1 whole package 除了可以表示“;上帝是个女孩谱曲Axel Konrad,Ole Wierk,Bega Low 填词Axel Konrad,Ole Wierk,Bega Low 演唱Mell 歌词Remembering me, Discover and see all over the world曾记得,我遍寻世界She#39s known as a。

3、You are my godessYou are a godess in my heart Uncommon in EnglishYou are a godess of my lifeYou are my Venus Venus, the Godess of LoveYou are Venus in my heartYou should use quota godessquot;1我的女神的英文是Ah My Goddess The Movie muse2在我的梦中,你仍然是我的女神You are my girl in my dream! for ever!3尽管她很在乎我,我也将她称作我的女神Yet she cared for me and I c;可以参考以下作文My idol Liu Yifei The first concerns Liu Yifei,is originated from the CCTV show that temperamentquotJinfenshijiaquot elegant white big missAlthough some makeup,but standing in a group of;写在卡上是Happy birthday to my goddess面对面表达给她听是Happy birthday,my goddess。

4、and all the good inside of me 也就是所有构成我的东西 there#39s never been 那不是别的 never been another 从来都不是 that loved me like you did 她就像你一样爱我 my grandmother, my angel 我的女神,我的;从我第一次见到你时,就感觉你很与众不同那是一个晴好的天气,我带着我的小表妹去公园玩,看到了你你穿着一条连衣裙,上面有一大片蓝和无数白色的点子,看起来就好像那天空上的蓝天白云穿着一双帆布鞋,一头。

5、女神的英文单词是goddess词汇分析音标英 #712g#594d#618s 美 ɡɑd#618s释义n 女神,受崇拜的女性 短语goddess Alliance 女神联盟 Flower Goddess 花神 天女散花 Nike Goddess 耐克女神店;My goddess 我的女神 1女神 But Guo Moruo’s quotGoddessquot still stand in the front of times by special natural image ,and gained lots of readers但郭沫若的女神却仍以它独特的自然意象立于时代的前沿,获得;God is a girl原英文歌词Groove Coverage God Is A GirlRemembering me,Discover and seeAll over the world,She#39s known as a girlTo those who a free,The mind shall be keyForgotten as the past#39Cause;To dare to speak English, don#39t be afraid to make mistakes Remember that after you use the right way to practice, the more mistakes you, with language sense is, the more correct the mistakes, the。



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