

1、athlete 参赛者指运动员competitor 参赛者指一般的竞争对手participator 参加比赛的人侧重合作性contestants 参赛者1By the next year 参加比赛英文, she was already doing the double axel two and a half turns。

2、take part in the race 参加比赛 例句1He is fairly quick参加比赛英文, but not quick enough to take part in the race他跑得相当快参加比赛英文,但要参加比赛还不够快2States that want to take part in the Race to the。

3、play 在体育运动中的含义是参加比赛,和某人比赛的意思When you play a sport,a game or a match,you take part in iteg He used to play basketballplay 也可以当不及物动词 ,表示参赛eg He played。


4、Participate in the speech contest英语英语English是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称。

5、1to take a test, an exam2to join a club, association, organization3to take part in 4to attend a ceremony, meeting5participate in egNo professionals participated in the contest 来源baidu。


7、你参加任何活动,你投入多少力量就会得到多少收获When you take part in any performance, you get out as much as you put in他们禁止她参加They barred her participating参加比赛并赢得胜利Go in and win他误。

8、他参加过多次比赛,赢得了数枚金牌6 Deep down, she supported her husband#39sinvolvement in the organization在心底里,她支持丈夫参加这个组织7 She travelled to India after taking her A levels她参加完高等。



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