

2throw snowballs 例句We always play outside, throw snowballs, and make snow man我们一直都在外面玩打雪仗,堆雪人3play snowball games 例句Then we could play snowball games and make a snowman如果下。

我喜欢下雪天,在这样打雪仗英语的天气里,我最喜欢打雪仗,I love snow days, in this weather, I most like snowball fights冬天下雪这是因为冬季会受到寒潮的侵袭寒潮本身就是从北向南流动的一股强烈的又干又冷的空气,当它的。

Snow after the snow piling up everywhere, this cola bad for me and my hometown friends, we decided to play a ski poleFirst of all, I ran up a mound behind the ambush and was responsible for the。

quot我能打雪仗quot的英语是“I can snowball fights”介绍个很有用的词典给打雪仗英语你吧,就是“有道词典”,超好用的哦。

A snowball fight,have a snowball fight,throw snowballs 短语打雪仗 Snowball fightThe Snowball Fightersnow fighting我们打雪仗 We snowball fightWe have a snowball fight唐老鸭打雪仗 Donald#39s snow fight。

Played snow fight,Made a snow man,Rode on a sled,Made an ice sculpture。




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