

3Dinner#8194includes#8194soup一份沙拉英语,#8194entree一份沙拉英语,#8194salad,#8194and#8194two#8194vegetables#8194正餐包括汤主菜沙拉还有两个蔬菜 2若指“一份色拉”或“一盘色拉”,则可数如#。


I#39d like to have a salad, please。

桔子沙拉 orange salad 番茄沙拉 tomato salad 沙拉一份沙拉英语的英语例句 1 A Couple of drumsticks and one coleslaw, please请给一份沙拉英语我两双鸡腿,一份生菜沙拉2 While herbalists make dandelion into tincture, the leaves can。

大家好,一份沙拉英语我今天要去做一份沙拉Hello ,everyone! I#x27m going to make a salad today或 Hello ,everyone I want to make a salad today。

First, orange peel good skin ready Then, carrot, orange, strawberry and broccoli and cut into small pieces, on the plate Then, squeeze into cream, stirring Finally, you can enjoy it with your friends。



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