

此期代表作品拇指姑娘国王的新衣小美人鱼 拇指姑娘1836再会吧,美丽的小鸟儿!她说再会吧!在夏天,当所有的树都变绿的时候,当阳光温暖地照着我们的时候,你唱出美丽的歌声?我要为这感谢你!于是。

in a crowd, a little kid said quot But he#39s not wearing anything!quot After hearing it, people started to agree with the child and the king, who knew it is true, decided to continue the walk so he won。

The king#39s new clothesThe emperor hired two tailors, and they promised to make him an extraordinary new suitWhen the emperor went to see his new clothes, no one who was incompetent or stupid could see。




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