

雅思作文雅思5作文的满分是9分雅思5作文,所以5分只能算是一个及格分数吧!那么达到这个分数难不难呢雅思5作文?下面就和的我一起来看看雅思作文5分如何达到? Task2 Nowadays, there is a trend that reports of media focus on problems and emergencies rather。

What are the main reasons for and effects of this phenomenon? And what can countries do to save the great loss?During the past two decades, the trend of globalization has been gaining momentum Giant。

The graph illustrates the dramatic comparison of the population proportion aged 65 and over from year 1940 to 2040 in three countriesIn Japan, it#39s population proportion started in the year of 1940 at a。

1选词有几处的选词不够理想,比如 may need to lose their own benefit but generate 可能改成 may need to sacrify their own benefit感觉整篇文章几个核心词汇用的太频繁,导致审美疲劳,比如 compete,competition。

regardless ofwhether the course is useful to an employerWhat,in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?5分大作文展示 考官评语中文翻译TR这个答案不超过250个单词,没有达到所有要求,所以。


导语下面这篇雅思作文是5段式写法,而且属于一边倒,并非两边都讨论,思路很清晰,语言也很简练并且很值得模仿!大家完全可以按照这个模板进行练习!雅思大作文题目 People attend college or university for many different。


改写As far as I am concerned, experiences we have in our life will have much more impact This essary will explain two main points of view and demonstrate two reasons why I agree with the belief that。



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