

Learn to Ride the Bike 学骑单车 Since I go to high school, I have to walk a very far distance, it always takes me half an hour to reach the school My father bought me a bike last week, he said。

My first ride on a bike was a memorable experience I remember feeling both nervous and excited as I hopped on the bike, wobbling a bit at first But soon enough, I found my balance and began to pedal。

英I enjoy cycling in my spare time because cycling is a very good sport It can not only exercise and strengthen the body, but also make people feel happy Every day when I finish my homework, I。

学骑自行车 Learn to Ride a Bike This summer holiday, I learnt to ride a bike Because when I am going to the middle school, I must go to school by bike My father bought a new bike for me In。

if we ride too fast,we will fell off the bike cause traffic accident首先,我们应该骑在右边,然后,当交通灯是红色时,我们不应该去,直到它变成绿色除此之外,我们不应该骑得太快,因为我们是学生,我们不能控制自行车。

This summer holiday, I learnt to ride a bike Because when I am going to the middle school, I must go to school by bike My father bought a new bike for me In the weekends, he taught me how to。

to say,i#39ve learned welli am grateful for dadhe gave me the courage to overcome the difficulty since that,when i come across any problems,i will think of my father and the power he gives me。

our environment So, we should encourage more people to ride bicycles quite often than driving cars总之,骑自行车不仅能让我们更加健康,而且也有利于环境保护我们应该鼓励更多的人来骑单车,而不是开车。

关于骑自行车好处坏处英语作文带翻译100字 我的自行车 我有一个漂亮的自行车我妈妈给我买了它 自行车是非常漂亮我喜欢它它是蓝色和黑色自行车是小,但我可以骑自行车速度非常快 我通常骑我的自行车,路过花园,街道,乡镇,桥梁,公园。



Nowadays,riding a bike to school has been a choice of transportation for studentsThere are many advantages to riding a bicycleFirst of all ,environmental protection is such an urgent issue that everyone of。

I like swimming and climbing ,but what i like most is bycle我喜欢游泳和爬山,但是我最喜欢的是骑自行车There are many advantages to ride the bicycle In the first place, riding bicycle makes me feel。

绝对手写 Everyone has the first time experience As i remember, the most rememberable experience i have came through was the first time i learn how to ride the bicyble by myself when i was still a。


我第一次骑单车怎么写才能写,这种作文300个字的? 篇一第一次学骑自行车 说起第一次学骑自行车,可真是难忘极了 去年十月,爸爸决定要教我学会骑双轮自行车 刚开始,我有些害怕,坐上自行车的座板,还没蹬两下,我就从自行车上。




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