

with flying colours 很好成绩优异 paint in brightdark colours 画得鲜艳晦暗赞扬贬损 be green 环保 green with envy 妒忌的,嫉妒的,眼红的 give someone the greenget the green light 有给某人开绿灯。


我是应届毕业生,就读于XXXXX在校期间,因成绩优异,获得学院三等奖学金I#39m a fresh graduates, enrolled in XXXXX During school, because of excellent results, obtained college thirdclass scholarship在大一时。

这个学生的化学成绩优异It#39s excellent that you are here成绩优异的英文你在这儿太好了I thought the answer excellent我觉得这答案好极了2用以表示愉快或赞同好极了,妙极了 3显著的,极好的 great 形容词。

You are all good, I am from Union College of Nursing students in undergraduate classes, my name is XXX, who lives in XX, 22 years old, I cheerful, helpful, like reading, good at writing speeches and。

A good students not only has a high academic score, but also be a healthy person both physically and mentally。

excellent a1 极好的,优秀的 Of course she is an excellent doctor当然她是位杰出的医生He is excellent in mathematics他的数学非常好Your examination results are excellent你的考试成绩优异Hawaii is an。




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