

drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human beings We have taken too much from nature, and given back too littleLooking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when人与自然英语作文;In order to avoid the punishment of the nature, let us live together in peace together with nature, rational use of natural resources, to protect nature!我们,作为性质的高等生物的人类,千百年与自然和平相处在。

live harmoniously with nature All the materials we need to live with come from nature, but we should also repay the nature, rather than blindly solicit For example, we should plant more trees and take;Human and Nature 人与自然 Nature, the environment which human beings live by, is magnificent and unique There is only one earth with super living conditions in the universe We should have cherished nature。

#英语资源# 导语环境保护就是指人类为解决现实或潜在的环境问题,协调人类与环境的关系,保障经济社会的持续发展而采取的各种行动的总称保护环境是人类有意识地保护自然资源并使其得到合理的利用,防止自然环境受到污染和破坏对受到污。



Human and Nature Nature, the environment which human beings live by, is magnificent and unique There si only one earth with super living conditions in the universe We should have cherished nature and preserve。

写作思路及要点根据人与自然写出真实的想法,包括两者存在的关系,把控整体的思路The relationship between man and nature is that with the development and change of human capabilities, the relationship between the。

There is no doubt that human activity has an effect on the nature We see the evidence of mankind’s endeavors all around us Overall, it seems that human activity harms the Earth more than benefits it。

中文翻译人权宣言宣告所有的人都是平等的 但是,法律可以保障人权,自然权利可以由谁来保护The Outlook of Scientific Development requires that we should pursue the harmonious coexistence between human and nature。

篇一人与自然 Man and Nature #160#160 We often say that the earth is our homeland and human society comes from nature Therefore, I think our society is a part of nature People should live harm。

主题人与自然 有关的英语作文 Nature, the environment which human beings live by, is magnificent and unique There si only one earth with super living conditions in the universe We should have cherished nature and pre。




描写人与自然的英语作文范文1 The beauty of nature is like a magician To daub on light green, spring to summer with a dark green, and, with dazzling aureate autumn to winter again put on a white coat Dingdon。

人与自然的关系英语作文优秀范文如下Since winter last year, there has been a lot of smog It has done great harm to our daily lives Many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog Quite。

人与自然和谐相处Can People Live in Harmony with NatureMan and nature are interactive 相互作用的 forcesLooking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and。



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