

1、1 not the only one 2 not only 3 not just 例句与用法他不仅强壮健康,而且还很聪明He is not only strong and healthy but also very smart不仅你,连我都要受责难Not only you but also I am t。

2、not only but also 不但而且例句He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。

3、译但这些程序不仅是不必要的,而且具有很高的风险2notbut also例In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality译我们的产品不但要求数量多,而且要求质量高3not onlybut。

4、问题一英语翻译不仅如此短语 What#39s more,加句子攻ot onlybut alsomore than有“不仅如此”的意思 问题二英语表达不仅如此怎么说 要书面语言 您好,很高兴为您解答What#39s more。

5、more than ,far from 都可以翻译成这个意思 我记得那个课本上有句Yaoming has more than big size, but also good skills姚明不仅仅有高大的身材,而且有良好的技术采纳啊。

6、1Far from admitting his fault,he behaved even more negatively2 The joke is not only poor fun but also low grade可以用not only but also的否定来表达,或者用so far from或far from来表达。


8、不仅如此Not only that 一短语例句 1Not only that, but your parents不仅如此,还要孝敬父母2Not only that, but he gives them a chance to prove themselves不仅如此,他还给他们一个机会来证明,展示。

9、Not only can you see the process, but you can also practice it不仅而且 使用到not only but also 句型 所以就是这样啦~望采纳 谢谢。

10、Not only in school, but also in other places。

11、They have taught us a lot ,not only for the knowledge,and also taught us to becoming a good human。

12、我不仅会说英语还会踢足球用英语的说法I can not only speak English but also play football英语记不住单词方法如下1坚定学习英语的决心,制定合理的学习规划具体的学习规划,可以参照一些英语学习小站推荐的规划。


13、不但而且的英文not only but also not only but also 不但而且 一not only 英 n#596t #712#601unli 美 nɑt #712onli不但,不仅,不只非但不独何止 二but also英。

14、Because I think that they are not only good for my health, bul also tastybut also后不用再写一遍they are了,在英语里算重复。

15、Not onlybut also举个例子不仅是我,他也喜欢唱歌 Not only me but also he likes to sing 注意就近原则动词的人称应跟据与它最近的名词 上面like的与he最近 所以用第三人称单数likes。

16、widely used in not only UK and USA, but also many other countries。

17、It not only gets us to know to respect others, but also enriches our lives希望能帮到你。

18、It can not only broaden their horizon, but also enrich their experience。



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