

I want to acknowledge more about the different cultures between east and west, experience the lifestyle in America and learn something about their sense of worth;学习了解更多的知识的英文Learn more knowledge knowledge 读法 英 #39n#594l#618d#658 美 #39nɑl#618d#658n 知识,学问知道,认识学科 短语1technical knowledge 技术知识 2;It is my first duty reportThanks for your supportMy dream is to travel around the world,to understand different cultures,even ancient onesI wish to learn more about the world and die without;了解的英文正式的说法是understand,如果是口语的话可以说 i get it。


学习英语最好的办法就是接触说英语的人,我指的是老外或者英语已经达到很高水平的人人们都愿意听别人说,而对于自己去看去找就比较容易厌烦和老外聊天后你会发现其实和他们进行日常沟通很简单的自己找机会体会吧;English works as the brige of boardening our horizon我认为英语是可以帮助我们与世界沟通的桥梁 In my view原句的直译不太地道,所以我做了一些简单的更改 I thinks English is the brige which helps us to communica;Thank you for your letter ,I get to know more about you school;更多的了解世界英语Learn more about the world例句1电视节目和书面文章帮助人们更多的了解世界TV programs and printed articles help people to understand more about the world2要知道,它们从网络,报纸和电。

know about 了解,知道的情况知道关于 know as 称为 as we know 众所周知 know of 知道,了解听说过as you know 如你所知正如你知道的 近义词vt 知道认识懂得 weet , be aware of vi 了解。

在俱乐部里老学生帮助新学生更多的了解这个学校 英文翻译 in the club,old students help new students learn more about the school;understand 英 #716#652nd#601#712st#230nd 美 #716#652nd#601r#712st#230ndvt 懂,理解vt 了解 领会 默认 听说例句I think you heard and also understand me我;1, promote cultural exchanges, to let people know more about the local culture and customs 2 and provide more job opportunities, promote local economic development 3, optimization of the living environment。



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