

2ideally include 2 reasons why you like the book3务必包含具体原因和细节tpo口语参考答案,如书籍的名字和作者2观点提示1If this is a book on American culture, then you may say something like through the book。

1题目关键词the man, briefly summarize the proposal, state her explain why,2答题要领1specifically express your stand 2ideally include 2 reasons for your preference3阅读材料要点1 the running。

2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture, test takers are supposed to include the main。

1题目关键词explain, its effects, computer company 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the。

1题目关键词 why, Henry Darger, outsider artist 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor When orally summarizing the。

1题目关键词 establishing shot, what, how 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture。

1题目关键词 Perceptual constancy, examples 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor When orally summarizing the lecture。

1题目关键词 pronghorn and lion, relict behavior 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor When orally summarizing the。

1题目关键词 example, social loafing, people’s behavior 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor When orally。


1题目关键词 ritualization, the example of dogs 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor When orally summarizing the。

1题目关键词 franchising 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture, test takers are。

参考答案 现在,让tpo口语参考答案我们来看一个版本的参考答案选solution1Sample answerThe woman in the conversation has got a problem, which is, she has three major research papers that all due at the same time in two。

1题目关键词 examples, social learning 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture, test。

1题目关键词 telephone, cultural lag 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture, test。

1题目关键词 macaw, flagship species 2答题要领1Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage2Concentrating on the lecture given by the professorWhen orally summarizing the lecture, test。



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