

问题七“方便”用英语怎么说 convenience 问题八英语问题 便利店英文怎们说 convenience store 很少人会用convenience shop,看得懂也可以理解其意思,但这不是最好的用法这就好比 department store,应该没有人说。

1“方便”的英文为convenience2详细意思便利方便厕所便利的事物3相关短语transfer convenience 换乘方便性换乘便捷性for convenience 为了方便 为了方便起见为方便起见为了convenience product 便利。


回答和翻译如下科学我身边,出行更方便Science is more convenient for me to travel。

“方便”的英文为convenience1读音英 k#601n#712vi#720ni#601ns美 k#601n#712vi#720ni#601ns2详细意思便利方便厕所便利的事物 3相关短语transfer convenience。

Cellphones make it more convenient for us to communicate with our relativesWe can use them to send text messages,and even connect to the InternetMobile phones have already been necessary to our life。

With the rapid development of electronic technology,ebooks will become more convenient随着电子技术的快速发展,电子书就会变得更加方便。

好=Good,Great 方便=Conveniet 快捷=Quick,Fast 高科技=Hightech 智能=Smart,Intelligent 建议查查相关的英文词典或者电子词典,有道就挺好的快捷=Quick,Fast 高科技=Hightech 智能=Smart,Intelligent。

convenient adj方便的, 便利的, 合适的 I have to find a convenient location for the shelves我得找一合适的地方放这些书架附近的, 近便的 It is useful to have a convenient supermarket附近有超市实在方便。

It’s not necessary to restrict yourself to just this literal phrase when in English we have so many varieties of expressing this phrase其实你大可不必只使用这一个短语,英文中还有很多用来表达相同意思的语句T。

便捷的英文为convenient 拓展形容词convenient方便, 便利, 便捷, 简便, 方便快捷 名词convenience方便, 便利, 便捷, 方便起见,副词conveniently方便, 顺便, 便捷, 便利, 随手 便捷沟通 例句Master pages make it easy。

现代科技让人们的交流更方便,可使人们的心离得更远Modern technology makes people communicate more conveniently, but estranged themselves from the others。

Self driving tour can provide more convenient and more comfortable travel, compared to the traditional way of Tourism 自驾游能提供更方便和更自在的旅游,比起传统旅游方式。

With the fast development of the mobile phone marketing, especially when smart phones。


on the one hand,Internet gives our lives more convenience on the other hand,it brings negative effects to our lives as well。



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