

If everyone made their own contributions to society做出贡献英语,the world will become more beautiful。

I hope I can do something for the construction of our country我是二外英语系毕业做出贡献英语做出贡献英语,肯定没错。

做出贡献 make contributions to shtdoing sth 或者是 make a contribution to sthdoing sth 如果人人为环境保护做出一点贡献,我们世界将会变得更美好 If everyone makes contributions to protecting the environment, our。


he has been engaged in scientific research returned ,and makes a great difference in Chinese science。

他对国家做出做出贡献英语的贡献将永远不会被人们遗忘英语翻译His contribution to the country will never be forgotten英语记不住单词方法如下1坚定学习英语的决心,制定合理的学习规划具体的学习规划,可以参照一些英语学习小站。

in the future days, isam sure i can show my talent to the full extent, and i will try my best to make contribution to our company aswell。



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