

1、all the information that has enlightened mankind for centuries,should be available to us with the healthy development of Internet 沉迷于网络的危害英语作文2 Internet is now coming into our life It brings us not。

2、Online games bring serious harm to teenagers So I advise friends quotdon#39t indulge in online gamesquot网络游戏给青少年带来的严重危害所以我奉劝朋友“不要沉迷于网络游戏”Once you become addicted to online g。


4、computer games has bad impacts in many ways For one thing, if students often play computer games, they can#39t do well in their study, because they always think about the things in computer games instead。

5、这是真的为我所做的一切,这是有益的如果使用得当,所以虽然电脑游戏广泛说不好的人,它还可以被用作一个工具当然好只要使用得当玩游戏的危害 Computer games are good to our life in some fields~Such as it can help。

6、电脑游戏的危害The harm of PC games1 现在电脑游戏在校园很流行 2 电脑游戏的危害 3 怎样正确对待电脑网络游戏 Personal computer has become a common part of people’s life And playing PC games on campus。

7、More and more people begin to disign educational CDROMThey want go any people to gain some knowledge while they are playing computer games大多数家长和老师认为玩电脑游戏是件坏事,他们觉得这是时间和金钱的浪费。

8、Computer harm to human beings电脑对人类的危害Now because of the popularization of computer, and almost every family has a computer, some children even have a crush on computer games But, for we。

9、To my penfriend,How are you doing? I was researching a topic about computer games recentlyThrough my investigation, I understand the negative effects of computer games Because computer games would give players。


11、The game itself is a problem of its nonnatural graces one of the reasons why For example,Some martial arts based on the game too much of the army, to imitate the external Shaquille clothing, to the。

12、I stand in the middle placeI think computer games have both advantages and disadvantage我抱着中立的态度我觉得电脑游戏既有好处也有坏处On the one hand, as computer games are the product of high。

13、Computer Gameneither Good nor Bad Itself With the development of the national economy, computers are no longer much of a luxury for most of the Chinese families in cities, which has laid a solid foundation。



15、使用电脑的利弊英语作文70字 现在是科技时代,电话电视电脑走进了千家万户,它们是帮助我们人类的,可是,有些人却因为它们,走上了犯罪的道路 电脑就是一个典型的例子它可以让我们了解到许多知识可以网上购物,可以在网上看书。

16、随着经济和科学的发展,几乎每家每户都有一台电脑,所以,越来越多的学生沉迷于电脑游戏 In my opinion,excessively addicted to computers games is not a good phenomenonIt#39s well known that many students spent so。



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