

1、越来越的英语more and more more and more英 m#596#720r #601nd m#596#720r 美 m#596#720r #601nd m#596#720r越来越 “比较级+and+比较级”或者“more;Younger, more fashion, more popular;In modern times,the Internet is becoming more and more 在摩登时代,上网正变得越来越流行,popular,especially,for the middle school studentsSome students think it is good 特别是对于中学生而言一些同学认为网络对;And commercial value of a language对外开放的影响,使得中国越来越强大,越来越多的人关注中国文化,越来越流行英语他们更看重的是学习中文使个人可能获得更广阔的生活前景,或者是职业前景这方面包括他们认为学习中文这个工具可以给他们;1固定用法with the development of 随着的发展 2这是一个含有非限制性定语从句根据句子用一般现在时因为先行词reading online 是“物”,所以引导词用which 3句子成分分析主句reading online is;您好,这句话用英语表达为I hear that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Father#x27sDay and Mother#x27s Day in China希望对您有帮助个人理解,仅供参考。

2、But different people have different views on this point After all, every coin has two sides随着互连网的发展,网购在中国变得越来越流行,甚至成了生活的一部分但是,不同的人对这有不同的看法毕竟,每个硬币都;写作思路根据题目要求,以“关于为什么西方节日在中国变得流行”作为主题,之所以西方节日在中国变得流行,这是因为中国对外开放,愿意接受不同国家不同习俗的因素,可以围绕着这个观点进行描写,正文Nowadays, western customs。

3、1教育体制对英语病态的要求 2发达国家大多都说英语,信息技术发达了,其经济,政治,文化的吸引力导致英语流行 3传统遗留导致跟风不负责任的人夸大了社会对英语的需要 4高端英语人才稀少,导致越来越流行英语我们认为越来越流行英语我们的英语普及度还不;流行的用英语表示为popular,读音为英#39p#594pj#601l#601r,美#39pɑ#720pj#601l#601rpopular解析如下一单词读音英式发音#712p#594pj#650l#601 美式发音#712;“考研”一词,在中文里包含有前期准备以及后期考试的成份,其次,结合英译过程中的名词化手法,所以我用preparation以及examination两词进行译文处理另外,“形成热潮”可以意译为“越来越流行”,以符合英文表达习惯;The Popularity of Blog In recent years, blog has become very popular More and more people have created their own blogs and often visit others’ blogs They use blog to reveal their inner voice, or collect;我从来没听说过什么流行的英语你只要把之前学的单词短语都记熟了,自己想表达什么就怎么组织,达意就好1 关于人们有不同的观点一些人认为There are different opinions among people as to ___ Some。

4、Capital economic growth leads to globalization which is inevitable unless u want China quits the global market ,i believe the world in the future is a place where no specific boundary between nations ethics and;微信在我们中间越来越流行,无论我们在哪里,在轻轨上,在咖啡馆里,甚至走在大街上,我们都会发现周围有人在使用微信,这种现象的存在有以下几个原因Firstly,using wechat is very cheap for usWe can make a phone;Phone now more powerful, also very popular, a lot of people interested in mobile phone browsing, chat with microchannel, average time spent on the microchannel is growing every year These facilitate the。




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