

英语作文我的周末计划我觉得这将是一个愉快英语作文我的周末计划的周末周末计划英语作文二 The spring es and the scenery is beautiful Therefore英语作文我的周末计划, I make plan to enjoy the vernal sunshine and fresh air with my parents We will climb the Qing。

I‘m going to hold a birthday party on this weekend You you are my new friend coming from America and my other friends are invited to comeThe party will be at 900 in my home on Sunday morning。

9 初二英语作文我的周末计划我的周末计划不要抄的一定要 我的周末计划my weekend plan Hi英语作文我的周末计划!This is Moon I#39m going to have a busy weekend!On saturday英语作文我的周末计划,I#39m going to visit my grandparents by busI#39m going to。


周末计划英语作文一 Hi!This is Moon I#39m going to have a busy weekend! On saturday,I#39m going to visit my grandparents by busI#39m going to buy a new ,I#39m going to go home and read the new。

我的周末计划英语作文60词带翻译初中英语作文1 OK, let me tell you something about my weekendI am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend So I do my homework on Saturday。

一写作思路 我的周末计划主要可以介绍自己想要做的事情,和谁一起,需要有人物和相关的事件开头可以介绍出行计划的天气因素,中间可以写人物和事件,结尾就总结一下周末过得开心快乐情况,这样就比较完美了二双语范文。



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