

1、英语大神帮英语作文润色我润色一下这篇作文~ I genuinely want to express my thanks to my parents They educate me about how to learn英语作文润色, how to live英语作文润色, and how to love I wouldn#39t be so happy if they are not here。

2、However, in 1955, there were a lot of fishing boats, but only one fish在这个段落中,there be句型用了两次,而且由于没有量词储备,a lot of出现了两次,由此看来,这位同学有一定英语作文润色的英语基础,但是在句子结构选择和润色上基本没有。

3、Our office held an training in XX International Hotel in Shanghai today Colleagues from Beijing and Guangzhou were also participated in this event The training began with an introduction about our company, a。


4、we can chat with our friends and relatives on the internet However, there are also some disadvantages about it If people spend too much time to write the blog, they may not have the opportunity to have。

5、spoken English In short, there is not anything in my life that is more beneficial than chatting online if weI can arrange the reasonable time on the network楼主写的很好,我只是稍加润色。

6、五大润色作文密法洞察细节,克敌先机 1多使用被动句 因为你要阐述你对图画的观点,你不能总用some people say,others say,这样的句子很没有说服力,你自己写的时候都要怀疑一下在一些出国类的考试的写作中,这些都是要坚决禁止。

7、您好,修改如下Each of us has their own dreams, like a dream on the wings of the people in the birdsI have a dream from the first time I sit in a carI dream to drive As far as we know。

8、01 我们给自己批改英语作文的时候,首先应该选择一只不同颜色的笔,这样改起来就会更加的醒目,而且我们在纠错改错的时候也就会更容易更方便,更直观的看见我们的错误02。

9、内容 1你想说的最重要的事是什么如果已经说出来了,在草稿中找出这段话,并在句子下面划线如果还没有说出来,现在就写2文章里所写的每件事都同主旨相关吗哪个部分你不需要如果你写的是当你在银行实习时。

10、这些所谓的技巧编个考试的作文也就算了,真的是自己想写东西,不会注意到这些 我的观点是,writing = reading 要写地道的英语文章,就要大量的阅读英语的各种文章,小说,新闻,杂志,论文,等等,积累自己的语言,知道在各种。

11、Nowadays,high school students hold different opinions about afterclass activitiesthere are two quite different phenomenaSome students are crazy about sports and some other activitiesthey spend much time in。



14、高考英语看图作文,看懂图表的意思,整理要点,决定语言形式 2开头直截了当,尽快入题,不要拐弯抹角,英语看图作文检查润色 Step6 定稿 怎么写好高考作文,看懂图表的意思,整理要点,决定语言形式 2开头直截了当,尽快入题。





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