

small steamed bun 介绍上海的英语作文带翻译,panfried steamed bun and so on Thedelicious food make many visitors mouth water All in all 介绍上海的英语作文带翻译,Shanghai is a place worth visiting many times 追问 翻译就选你为满意答案 回答 上海是;2018年3月介绍上海的英语作文带翻译,上海外滩在全面推进“第一立面”即临江建筑群功能置换介绍上海的英语作文带翻译的基础上,同步启动了“第二立面”即非临江的外滩建筑群功能置换工作 参考资料百度百科外滩 关于外滩的英语作文及它的翻译 The bundShanghai#39s bund night wa。


where do you like to live city or country 当我长大的时候我想居住在上海,上海是一座美丽而繁华的都市,并有“东方之珠”之称去年,我和家人去上海参观了,我被它的美而吸引,因此,当我长大的时候我想在那里生活;外滩 上海外滩的晚上是迷人并且富有吸引力的上海是一个聪明的城市,如果你不是一个非常聪明的人,你不是一个本地人你不会有机会留在上海看上海的繁荣你应该要看一看外滩和浦东的发展我非常喜欢外滩我喜欢在晚上去外滩。


This is the trip l never forget一个令人难忘的旅行我的家庭计划参观上海有趣的地方是东方明珠电视塔,一个著名的旅游胜地,它在上海标志这个宏伟的建筑位于浦东新区,是最高的建筑,因此它很容易看到这种建筑,即使您不在。

in ChinaAnd it is the commercial center of China,tooPeople from south and north come to here for trip and shoppingI like Shanghai very muchI like the high buildings and the convenient transport上海。

因此thefore每年有很多游客来访上海Shanghai lies in the east of China, and it#39s a large international city,which is famous for its night view and shopping mallsThere are many places of interests,such。

2翻译迎世博会 正如我们都知道,上海将主办2010年世界的博览会这世博会有着悠久的历史,但从未在亚洲举行因此,它是我们城市的巨大的荣誉这也是所有的亚洲人非常荣幸作为主办城市,上海将有更多的机会迅速发展。

介绍上海的英语作文Shanghai,China#39s largest modern city,is situated in the middle of China#39s east coastal lineShanghai covers an area of over 6,340 squarekilos and has a population of over 15 million。

Shanghai will have more chances to develop quicklyThe government has promised that it will be the best one among all the Expo that was host in other citiesAs a student in Shanghai,I should learn English。

such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower,the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference CentreI didn’t forget to do my homework in the eveningI had a full and happy holiday我和妈妈去了趟上。



Bend,Shanghai Art Museum and so onI like the Art museum best because there are many colourful pictures in itI love Shanghai very much上海是个很大的城市。

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beautiful in shanghai,the grass is very green in shanghai too,l and my friends all like sleepping on the grass ,lt#39s very nice春天将来了,春天是一个好季节,我喜欢在春天和我的朋友一起玩,在春天,上海的。

The Changes Of My Hometown My hometown is Shanghai , these years Shanghai has changed a lot For example , the buildings is taller , the roads is wider , there are more trees than before , and the。



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