

There are many advantages of mobile phones in our life On weekdays, our family can chat with relatives and friends far from home through mobile phones Want to say, want to tell their loved ones sweet wo;英语作文手机是我们的联系工具,它有很多功能 Thanks for choosing our *** art phones As we know, mobile phones have bee the most important way of munication, with which we can get in touch with each other wherev;In addition to outside call,your phone can do 4 Things do not necessarily know you have more or less we may know that some selfhelp in emergency situations,but you may not know your cell phone at the;手机的利与弊英语作文1 Wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones It seems that the world becomes smaller nowadays You could be found wherever you are so long as you take the;智能手机是指像个人电脑一样,具有独立的操作系统,可以由用户自行安装软件游戏等第三方服务商提供的程序,并可以通过移动通讯网络来实现无线网络接入的这样一类手机的总称智能手机是掌上电脑演变而来的,是传统手机与个人电脑。


Mobile phones are becoming more and more important in our life Nearly everyone has his or her own mobile phone except some children or very old people They are not only used for making a phone, but;手机最大的一个有点就是人们可以随时随地的使用它,所以在很多时候手机可以用来应急作文地带有翻译的英语作文网#160In#160addition,people#160can#160access#160the#160internet#160whenever#160。

If I have a mobile phone, I will make a difficult problem on the mobile phone of those adults who swipe the screen If you answer incorrectly, the phone will automatically shut down In this way, adults;another point in favour of mobile phonesis that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping orworking because in that case people often turn off their mobile phonesOn the other hand,there are some;Mobile phones in our lives is a common communication tools Now more and more people are using cell phone calls just before use, and now, mobile phones can be listening to music, watching movies, and even;public or at meetings ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击采纳为满意回答按钮~~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新的问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~;写作思路题目是手机的好处,开头可以先一句话说明手机是我们生活中的通讯工具,然后开门见山告诉读者手机给我们带来了很多的好处中间内容列举手机具体给我们带来了哪些好处,最好控制在35点之间比较合适最后一句话。

手机的好处英语作文就从实际写就可以了手机的好处1 It is convenient for people to contact and use2 If you don#39t go out, you will know the world affairs, the news of various countries and the;您好Advantages and Disadvatages of Mobile phones As every body knows,mobiles are playing a important part in our daily life nowadaysBut they have bot advantages and disadvtanges in my opinionFirst,mobiles。


watch TV The benefits of mobile phones are really too much翻译手机是大人们的朋友,他们每天都要用手机娱乐手机也是工作的工具,因为联系工作是需要使用到手机的手机还可以看电视,手机的好处真的是太多了;关于手机的好处英语作文有First of all, cell phone is very convenient People can connect with anyone in anywhere if that person has a mobile phone, tooIn other words, people have to write letter in。



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