

英语倡议书格式是由标题称呼正文结尾落款五部分组成时态一般用将来时或一般现在时例如Dear friends,亲爱的朋友们,Do you want to live in a beautiful world呼吁英文?To fulfill our obligation to protect the。

防护服英文翻译是protective clothingprotective suit 一protective 1含义adj 保护的防卫的2用法 作形容词含有保护贸易的,防护的,有贸易保护倾向的,实行关税保护的,袒护的,自卫的,显示保护意愿的。


问他懂哪些英文词,塞姆科先生不假思索地回答ldquo一,二,三rdquo6 quotThat#39s a nice dress,quot said Michael quotThanks,quot she replied solemnlyldquo那件衣服很好看,rdquo迈克尔说ldquo谢谢,rdquo。

呼吁人们保护环境的英语Call on people to protect the environment保护环境的英文标语如下1The hearts of love, at the foot of mercy心中有情,脚下留情Green life, accompanied by environmental protection绿色。


电话会议英文为conference call详细释义conferencen会议通常持续几天的大型正式研讨会正式讨论会体育协会商讨会callv呼叫呼叫叫牌给打电话把叫做批评,辱骂 传唤,传审把。

“号召”的英文短语call on 读法英 k#596#720l #594n 美 k#596#720l ɑ#720n释义1号召 I call on the people of this town to vote against the measure呼吁英文!我号召本镇居民投。

Dear wendy,亲爱的温迪 Sorry I didn#39t got time to talk to you yesterday I were on a phone and after that I need to cook, wash the babies, and clear sometimes feel really tired, but this is my。


